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Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past

75 Years Ago, September 12, 1946

• The votes of the Bar Association members in the selection of a judge to succeed the late Judge Anton Thompson were tabulated in the office of the district secretary at St. Cloud. R.E. Barron of Wadena received the most votes with a count of 51. The governor will presumably appoint the judge in the near future. Mr. Barron has announced that if appointed he will move to Fergus Falls.

• Lawrence Chase, the new owner of the Verndale Harness and Shoe Shop, opened up for business on Monday of this week. Mr. Chase says he cannot operate at full capacity, as of yet, as he has considerable rearranging and adjustments to make to his machinery at the present time.

• Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Seaton have purchased the farm they have been living on from Mr. Menge of Deer Creek. The farm was owned by Arthur Thompson before Mr. Menge obtained it.

40 Years Ago, September 17, 1981

• The tuner (link between coaxial and antenna) was raised and attached to the UHF tower last Friday. The beacon atop the pole which radiates the signal to views is 300 millimeters high and contains two 620 watt bulbs. The large “dish” you can see was placed and will be bringing the television signal to the area. The cement block structure will house controls for the tower which will provide ABC programming in this area.

• PVT 2 Todd E. Luebke, son of Earl and Lois Luebke, of Rural Route 2, Verndale was the recipient of the Basic Rifleman Marksmanship Award at his graduation from basic training at Fort Benning, GA on September 3. He is now continuing his training in “Airborne” at Fort Benning and after a brief visit with his family will be going on to Ranger training. Todd is a graduate of the 1981 class at Verndale Public School and entered the Army on June 9, 1981. He shot a perfect score, 40 out of 40.

• The Good Manners Lunchroom Award Program is being continued again this year for students in the lower grades. Representing the class that displayed the best manners during lunch hour are third graders Roger Wiese and Roxanne Adams. In return for their good behavior, they and fellow classmates will be awarded some favorite or special privileges.

15 Years Ago, September 14, 2006

• At long last, the Verndale Police Department is completely staffed with a full-time police chief and full-time police officer, as well as a roster of part-time officers. The Verndale City Council voted to hire Cory Carr as the department’s second full-time officer at its meeting on September 5.

• Megan Richter, a sixth-grader at Verndale School has been awarded second place at the state level for the poster she drew for the Minnesota Association of Soil and Water Conservation District’s poster and essay contest. The topic for this year was “Our Soil—A Layer of Life.” Megan won $75 for her second-place finish at the state level and won $30 for winning at the district level.

• Sue Boehland, a resident of rural Hewitt, knows what it means to help people. She has been working to improve the education and lives of others throughout her entire career and recently she was honored for her many efforts. Boehland joined seven other Minnesotans in being honored at the Tri-State Peer-To-Peer Youth Forum which was held in Rochester on August 23.



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