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Hewitt Holiday House decks the halls

Updated: Dec 5, 2019

By Karin L. Nauber

To say that Trinity Gruenberg of Hewitt enjoys decorating for the holidays might be a bit of an understatement. It would be more accurate to say she is obsessed.

This obsession has been going on for as long as Gruenberg can remember. She grew up in Ventura, California and it all started with Candy Cane Lane.

“Every Christmas my mom—Treva Feezor— would take me to Teloma Drive which was magically transformed into Candy Cane Lane,” she said.

It was a block of homeowners that banned together to deck the halls for Christmas.

“Every house [on the block] was brightly lit. It was a slow drive up and down both sides of the street to stare at every festive house. I was crushed when it closed in 1993 due to vandalism problems,” said Gruenberg with a sad sigh.

She has always been one of those people that likes to drive around and look at people’s lights.

“I would spend hours on YouTube watching videos of people’s decorations, Do-It-Yourself (DIY) projects and light shows,” she said.

Gruenberg was a big fan of one man in California that had RGB lights and singing faces.

There was another that had a huge guitar and piano that were animated within his show.

“I loved how different every one was and discovering how you can do pretty much anything with lights,” she commented.

Having the decorating bug instilled in her from a young age, she also loved decorating for the holidays with more always being better!

“It was difficult to do when I lived in the trailerhouse [in Bertha]. When I got the house last year, mom and I went nuts getting decorations. We probably quadrupled what we had in the first year. We hit up tons of garage sales and thrift stores,” she said with an excited laugh.

There is a room in her basement that is entirely dedicated to Halloween and Christmas decorations.

“Last year was the first year I really got to decorate how I wanted to—inside and out,” she said.



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