The graph above shows Bertha-Hewitt at the top for their MCA math testing. They also ranked third in reading.
The graph above shows Bertha-Hewitt at the top for their MCA math testing. They also ranked third in reading.
Bertha-Hewitt test scores are tops!
Out of 27 schools in Bertha-Hewitt’s region, Mrs. Cathy Riewer’s sixth grade class from last school year had the highest score in math on their Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCAs).
They also came in at number three in the reading portion of the test used by the state for their standardized testing.
Of the kids’ accomplishment, Riewer said, “Students must, first of all, buy into a growth mindset. They need to believe that with practice, perseverance, and effort, they have limitless potential to learn and grow.
“Secondly, students need to trust me and know that I am providing the best education I can with what I know and what I have researched.
“Thirdly, parents have to have confidence in me and understand that teaching and learning is a work in progress. For students to be successful they need to believe that they can be successful but they need to apply themselves and always do the best they can whenever they do anything.