Meals on Wheels (not always called that) delivers hundreds of meals daily. Todd County Bundled Meals delivers a great many meals on a monthly basis. The bundled meals include: meals, basic grocery items, prescriptions or library items, senior resources information and, or course, a smile!
Being able to relax with a book is one of the benefits of Todd County’s Bundled Services.
Meals on Wheels (or many variations thereof) has been around for many years. Pictured above are some of the early deliveries being made. —Wellcome Images
Meals on Wheels (not always called that) delivers hundreds of meals daily. Todd County Bundled Meals delivers a great many meals on a monthly basis. The bundled meals include: meals, basic grocery items, prescriptions or library items, senior resources information and, or course, a smile!
A book and a meal...Bundling to help seniors stay connected
by Karin L. Nauber
Todd County Bundled Services includes several things to help keep senior citizens and people who may be “shut-ins” more connected with the community.
Many of us have heard of Meals on Wheels, but Bundled Meals are a bit different because they are for rural delivery. Meals on Wheels is delivered within city limits.
Some of the criteria for Bundled Meals in the county include:
• Age 60 or older
• Live in rural Minnesota
• Would benefit from receiving nutritious meals and groceries.
According to Lutheran Social Services Regional Manager and Dietitian Terri Weyer, “We have a wide variety of complete meals that include an entrée, fruit and/or vegetable, bread, margarine, milk and dessert. Most meals are similar to the meals on our published menus, but we do include some breakfast options.” . . .