Consider donating them to the FCCLA

Consider donating them to the FCCLA
Got shoes?
by Trinity Gruenberg
The Verndale Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is conducting their first ever shoe drive to help raise funds and help those in need.
The funds raised from the drive will be used for STAR (Students Taking Action with Recognition) events, chapter service projects, and regional and state competitions. STAR events are competitive events in which members are recognized for proficiency and achievement in chapter and individual projects, leadership skills, and career preparation.
Regional competitions will be held in Wheaton on Wednesday, January 31. The state competition is held at the Sheraton Hotel in Bloomington, April 19-21.
There are currently seven active members in FCCLA and they would like to have 10 by the end of November
“We chose a shoe drive to raise funds because we are helping others in other countries by collecting the shoes and donating them, but also because so many times we ask people to buy things and this time of year can be hectic with funds going towards Christmas and other holiday items,” said Coordinator Jamie Adams.
To get all the students to pitch in, 37 classrooms are competing against each other to see who can bring in the most shoes. The winning class gets to choose between an ice cream or pizza party.
“The shoes will be picked up by an organization by the name of FUNDS2ORG. They take the shoes and redistribute them to others that need shoes,” said Adams.
They are hoping to collect 2500 pairs of shoes.
“We want to see any kind of shoe. No certain types are requested (shoes, boots, sandals, etc),” said Adams.
They are asking for school and community-wide donations. Donations will be accepted now through December 22.
Shoes can be sent to school with students or dropped off in two locations inside the school including by the office or in the commons by the auditorium.
Anyone interested in helping can contact Jamie Adams via email at jadams@verndale.k12.mn.us or by calling 218-445-5184 ext 180.