Students were able to practice their skills at putting out a simulated fire at the 25th Annual Envirofest held at the Dale and Marie Katterhagen farm near Browerville on Thursday, September 19.
Browerville students observed as Tim Venis showed them how to find the queen bee in a hive. Tim and his wife Caroline presented interesting facts about honey bees.
Bertha-Hewitt students studied the soils. They learned about the soil and problems with it from Deja Anton of the Todd Soil and Water Conservation District. The TSWCD was also the Envirofest event coordinators.
Students were able to practice their skills at putting out a simulated fire at the 25th Annual Envirofest held at the Dale and Marie Katterhagen farm near Browerville on Thursday, September 19.
Envirofest del condado de Todd celebra 25 aƱos
En la foto superior, los estudiantes pudieron practicar sus habilidades para apagar un incendio simulado en el 25.Ā° Envirofest anual que se llevĆ³ a cabo en la granja Dale and Marie Katterhagen cerca de Browerville el jueves 19 de septiembre. A la derecha, los estudiantes de Browerville observaron cĆ³mo Tim Venis les mostraba cĆ³mo encontrar la abeja reina en una colmena. Tim y su esposa Caroline presentaron datos interesantes sobre las abejas melĆferas. Extremo derecho, los estudiantes de Bertha-Hewitt estudiaron los suelos. Aprendieron sobre el suelo y sus problemas gracias a Deja Anton del Distrito de ConservaciĆ³n de Agua y Suelo de Todd. El TSWCD tambiĆ©n fue el coordinador del evento Envirofest. Ā”Vea mĆ”s fotos dentro de nuestra ediciĆ³n impresa o en lĆnea en Dotphoto !