The above graphs are the Minnesota Report Card data from the MCA/MTAS test results from last school year for the school districts. Each bar represents a school district for math, reading and science based on the number of students who exceeds, meets, partially meets and does not meet. Please note that enrollment and class sizes vary. More information can be found at
The above graphs are the Minnesota Report Card data from the MCA/MTAS test results from last school year for the school districts. Each bar represents a school district for math, reading and science based on the number of students who exceeds, meets, partially meets and does not meet. Please note that enrollment and class sizes vary. More information can be found at
The above graphs are the Minnesota Report Card data from the MCA/MTAS test results from last school year for the school districts. Each bar represents a school district for math, reading and science based on the number of students who exceeds, meets, partially meets and does not meet. Please note that enrollment and class sizes vary. More information can be found at
The above graphs are the Minnesota Report Card data from the MCA/MTAS test results from last school year for the school districts. Each bar represents a school district for math, reading and science based on the number of students who exceeds, meets, partially meets and does not meet. Please note that enrollment and class sizes vary. More information can be found at
¿Cómo les fue a los estudiantes en las pruebas del año pasado?
por Trinity Gruenberg
El Departamento de Educación de Minnesota publicó los resultados de las pruebas MCA/MTAS del año escolar pasado. Los siguientes son los resultados de acuerdo a los cuatro niveles de logro (excede, cumple, cumple parcialmente y no cumple) en las áreas de matemáticas, lectura y ciencias en base al número de estudiantes que fueron evaluados.
Escuela Primaria Bertha-Hewitt: Matemáticas excede 36 (24 por ciento), cumple con 60 (40 por ciento), cumple parcialmente con 31 (20.7 por ciento) y no cumple con 23 (15.3 por ciento).
Browerville: supera 28 (17,3 por ciento), cumple 46 (28,4 por ciento), cumple parcialmente 46 (28,4 por ciento) y 42 (25,9 por ciento) no cumple.
Long Prairie-Grey Eagle: supera 23 (9,5 por ciento), cumple 56 (23,2 por ciento), cumple parcialmente 70 (29 por ciento) y 92 (38,2 por ciento) no cumple.
Wadena-Deer Creek (sin incluir los grados 5 y 6): supera 26 (16,9 por ciento), cumple 62 (40,3 por ciento), cumple parcialmente 34 (22,1 por ciento) y 32 (20,8 por ciento) no cumple.
Staples-Motley (tercer grado): supera 10 (14,5 por ciento), cumple 22 (31,9 por ciento), cumple parcialmente 16 (23,2 por ciento), 21 (30,4 por ciento) no cumple.
Verndale: supera 29 (16,3 por ciento), cumple 60 (33,7 por ciento), cumple parcialmente 46 (25,8 por ciento) y 43 (24,2 por ciento) no cumple. . . .