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Instant Alert message raises concerns


by Karin L. Nauber

On Thursday, March 29 an instant alert message from the Browerville School District raised some concerns among those families that received the call.

Browerville School Superintendent Scott Vedbraaten said that the previous evening, at an off-campus location, a couple of kids had been sending messages to each other which had raised some concerns.

“With any threat, we always have an investigation done by law enforcement. We had them out talking to the students and parents. Law enforcement responded to Mr. Sutlief (Browerville School Principal). They told him that no threat was determined and there was no credible threat to the district,” said Vedbraaten.

On Thursday, the student(s) involved were interviewed again by law enforcement and Deputy Sheriff Jon Barber was at the school just to set everyone’s minds at ease.

“We would never put the students in jeopardy. Part of our whole job is the safety and well-being of the students. We would never do anything to jeopardize that. If we had felt there were a credible threat, we would not have had school today,” said Vedbraaten.

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