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Fifty years of keeping cousins together: Kaluza Cousin Golf Tournament is another hit


by Karin L. Nauber

For 50 years now, the Kaluza cousins have gotten together every year for a different sort of family reunion. They get together and golf.

All descendents of John and Teckla Kaluza of Browerville met on Saturday, August 11 for the Kaluza Cousin Golf Tournament at the Double Eagle in Eagle Bend. The event is always held the second Saturday in August so planning for it is easy to do.

“It all began in 1968 with two foursomes of cousins golfing together and it took off from there. It has now evolved into golf, dinner, a raffle, door prizes and an awards ceremony,” said Jan Haley, one of the cousins.

Lunch used to be a potluck held in various locations like Lake Charlotte, Ida Kaluza’s, Bruce and Tracy Gorghubers, Motzko Field and the Clarissa Ballroom.

Now it is held at the Browerville Community Center and the food is catered by the Clarissa Ballroom....

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