President Donald Trump held a round table discussion at Nuss Trucking and Equipment in Burnsville on tax day to discuss the benefits the Tax Cut and Jobs Act has had on businesses. Commissioner Sheldon Monson was in the audience and snapped a couple photos of the event. To the right of President Trump is Nuss Owner Bob Nuss.

The security line to get into the event was quite long. Commissioner Sheldon Monson is toward the front of the line.

During the round table discussion.

President Donald Trump held a round table discussion at Nuss Trucking and Equipment in Burnsville on tax day to discuss the benefits the Tax Cut and Jobs Act has had on businesses. Commissioner Sheldon Monson was in the audience and snapped a couple photos of the event. To the right of President Trump is Nuss Owner Bob Nuss.
Commissioner Monson invited to President's round table discussion
by Trinity Gruenberg
Wadena County Commissioner Sheldon Monson was invited by The White House to attend President Donald Trump’s round table discussion held in Burnsville on April 15, tax day.
The Friday before, Monson received a phone call from Morgan Bedan, associate director of intergovernmental affairs for the White House, and she invited him to attend the discussion.
“I immediately accepted,” said Monson.
The day before the meeting, he received an email with instructions and details. Monson arrived extra early at Nuss Truck and Equipment and was at the head of the line to get through security.
Bedan told Monson 40 elected officials in the state were invited. Monson believes there were around 250 people or more in attendance. Trump arrived at 1:30 p.m. and the event lasted just over one hour. . . .