Jack Mordh, Jr. of Eagle Bend traveled to Sinfra, on the Ivory Coast of Africa, for a mission trip to help build a roof for a church. At left, standing in the church under the nearly finished roof are: Bobby Mihsill, Pastor Francis Drigbé, Jeff Vaneps, Jack Mordh Jr., Pastor Soukalo, Daniel Osborn, and Timothée in front.

Jack Mordh, Jr. snapped some photos with the children while they took a break from construction.

The church is taking shape.

Jack Mordh, Jr. of Eagle Bend traveled to Sinfra, on the Ivory Coast of Africa, for a mission trip to help build a roof for a church. At left, standing in the church under the nearly finished roof are: Bobby Mihsill, Pastor Francis Drigbé, Jeff Vaneps, Jack Mordh Jr., Pastor Soukalo, Daniel Osborn, and Timothée in front.
The mission inside the mission: Mordh takes mission trip to Africa
by Trinity Gruenberg
This past August we followed Pastor Jason Knoll of the New Life Church of God in Bertha and company to Sinfra on the Ivory Coast of Africa to help build a church. There was one person who wanted to partake in that trip, but couldn’t at that time.
Jack Mordh, Jr. of Eagle Bend ended up taking a trip to Sinfra and worked on the same church Knoll and crew had worked on. Mordh left on March 30 and returned on April 14. When the temperatures in Minnesota bounced around from the high 30s to 60s with bouts of snow, Mordh was battling temperatures of over 100 degrees and sometimes it even got too hot to work.
Mordh traveled to Sinfra with Daniel Osborn of Wadena and Jeff Vaneps who has led dozens of mission trips to Africa. This was Mordh’s first mission trip and first trip out of the country. . . .