A Matter of Perspective

It’s easier to take a pill than it is to change your life and habits.
I was thinking about this the other day as I was evaluating my blood sugar levels.
Since I had my gall bladder removed, I was struggling with frequent low blood sugar moments. They were usually happening between 3 a.m. and 7 a.m. I was maintaining fairly good levels during the day and then having a spike in levels around 9 p.m.
The spikes were all on me because I would eat something like potato chips or some other carb-filled food.
I had previously gone off of two of my diabetic medications: a weekly injection and a once a day pill that caused a lot of other problems.
I thought I should probably cut down on the amount of insulin I took, as well.
I take an insulin shot one time a day, usually after supper. I was taking 80 units, but I cut it back to 40.
I also take Metformin, but I am now only taking one in the morning.
I know that I am not a doctor. I probably should not have taken myself off the two medications or lowered my doses, but being without insurance I couldn’t afford a $300 plus office visit to tell me to do exactly what I was doing.
My numbers have jumped up a little, but that is mostly on me because I have been eating junk food. Still, they are not going into the 400s and 500s anymore and the low blood sugar events are becoming fewer and fewer.
I am not naive enough to think that removing my gall bladder “cured” my type 2 diabetes. In fact, removal of the gall bladder usually has an opposite effect on blood sugar levels and even contributes to some people developing type 2 diabetes. All I can say is that it sure has been a boost to my mood to be able to downsize my medication regime!
I will keep you posted on my progress. You can also check out my all new website Diabetes Health Nuts (www.diabeteshealthnuts.com) to see more frequent updates and health news and tips.