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A Matter of Perspective

Some of you may remember that I have type 2 diabetes. For those who didn’t know, well, now you do.

Anyway, I recently ran out of insurance therefore becoming unable to afford my medication. I have watched my blood sugar numbers rocket up to close to 500 all the time. For those who don’t know, 500 is not good. It should be 130 max according to my doctor.

So I have been feeling horrible. Both physically and mentally because of feeling sick all the time.

So, instead of moping around wondering what to do, I asked my doctor what I can do.

She was sympathetic about my plight. I am sure she hears this type of hard-luck story all the time. Since I live in one of the poorest counties in the state, I know the burden of being stuck in the middle of making too much money to qualify for help, but not making enough to pay all the bills.

My normal insulin costs about $125 or so through my pharmacy. That is too costly for me. However, my doctor found an alternative insulin that I could get through one of those Big Box Stores and it was only $43.

After I took the first dose last night, my blood sugar was 215 when I got up this morning! Normally, it was 450 or higher. I felt good almost all day long. That is a first in a long time.

The Moral of the Story...

I guess the conclusion of this story and the moral of it, too, is don’t be afraid to ask questions. You may get an answer that can help you.

In my case, I was very happy to have asked for help. Why didn’t I ask sooner? Because without insurance a doctor’s office visit is over $300.

I am a single grandma trying to raise her granddaughter and that can be very difficult. And, that is why I am spending my extra time working on my websites and working an extra job, too, while spending as much time as I can with my granddaughter.

It can be vitally important to ask questions. So don’t be afraid to ask. You might just get the help you need to succeed!

It’s also given me more stories to tell on my site: I’m not letting any of this experience go to waste.


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