A Matter of Perspective

If you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission. ~Anonymous
Do you ever find yourself stopping your own progress because you feel like you need to ask permission to succeed or to find greatness?
I don’t know who you are hoping to get permission from. I don’t know who I am looking for permission from either.
But it can become a habit—stepping into our own way. It can become such a bad habit that some never get over it.
We maybe don’t think about it as being an issue of asking for permission, but it is.
“Can I please have more sir?”
I learned this saying when I was making an attempt at network marketing, “It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission.”
My thought on why is because people don’t want to be told “no.” If we are told “no” enough times, eventually we stop asking and we stop doing.
The thought above though, that if we want to achieve greatness we have to stop asking for permission, that’s profound!
Just start doing it! Achieve greatness!
Now stop asking for permission to do great things! To quote Nike, “Just do it!”