A Matter of Perspective

As some of you may know, I am also working on my own business in my spare time, in between working full-time at the newspaper and part-time doing Personal Care Attendant (PCA) work. I would like to think of myself as an entrepreneur, or at least a budding one!
Here are some thoughts I had the other day.
Successful entrepreneurs are givers and not takers of positive energy. ~Anonymous
Are you giving positive energy not only to those around you, but also to yourself?
It’s an important question. If we are to be successful in our entrepreneurial endeavors, positive vibes are essential.
Being positive is a matter of mindset. We choose to be positive when things around us are negative.
The world can be viewed as a very negative space. There is a lot of unrest and angst in the world. People are seeking answers, and some are resorting to violence if they don’t get the answer they seek.
As entrepreneurs we have to rise above that and look for the positives and then give them away.
How do we give positive energy?
Well, I can’t speak for everyone, but for me, that includes making people laugh in a tense situation. It isn’t always easy or possible, but when I can, I will crack a joke to lighten the tension. When people smile or laugh, it releases something in our bodies that makes us change gears.
When we can change gears, we can think of new ideas. When we can think of new ideas, we can make progress.
That is the power of sharing positive energy, and if we hope to be successful we need to be able to give it and not worry about taking it from others.
If we first look to giving it, at least for me, the positive energy is often returned tenfold!
Well, I am off to spread some positive energy! Hope you all have an amazing and productive week!