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A Matter Of Perspective

Pulling out all the stops . . .

A friend of mine wrote a blog post the other day where he talked about pulling out all the stops. For the first time in 58 years, that phrase’s meaning became crystal clear to me.

What would be possible if we pulled out all of the stops? I envisioned a bathtub with the drain stopper in the little hole, preventing the water from escaping the tub. The stopper has its place and purpose, but when it is done doing its job, if it continues to stop the water from draining, you will have stagnant water sitting in there. So, you pull out the stop.

There are probably many things that we hold onto in life for a multitude of reasons. Like that drain stopper, we either forget to pull it out, or we are feeling lazy, or whatever. But the stopper “stops” the next step from happening. It prevents anything from moving forward or in any direction at all.

What are some things that are “stopping” you from doing whatever it is that you want to do? (If it is illegal, then you should stop!) Is it finances? Is it fear? Is it laziness or forgetfulness? Whatever reason(s) you are fighting with, trust me, there is a way around them. Perhaps you are ill. Perhaps you are procrastinating. Whatever it is, you have to remember you have some control over all of it.

Most of the people who ever did anything did it against the odds that were stacked—and not in their favor. If you want to do something (as long as it’s not illegal or will harm someone), I say go for it! Take a chance. Write a poem. Scale a mountain. Drive to Montana (I really recommend this one!).

There are so many things that we use as excuses for why we can’t do something. Today, think about pulling out all of the stops and see in your mind where you would go. Then just start pulling them. Don’t wait until everything is perfect because that day doesn’t come. You have to start working towards your goals and dreams today!

I’m pulling out the stops one by one... How about you?


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