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A Matter of Perspective

I have been writing—a lot!

I currently have seven episodic stories on Kindle Vella with more on the way.

I am loving the freedom of writing. It doesn’t have to be like the newspaper. A lot of it is pure fiction. Good thing, too, because I would assume some of it would be a little scary if you read it with the idea that it was factual!

I have always loved writing fiction simply because I could make my characters be and do whatever I wanted. It has been a long time since I have been able to write “creatively.”

Oh, certainly, I have been able to write creative non-fiction for the newspaper. You can always make a factual story more life-like, but it is not the same thing as writing purely from my imagination.

One of the stories is one that I had been writing for years. I finally feel I can finish it.

I used to write a lot. I would go home after school and after doing my chores I would retreat to my room and write. I would write for hours.

I still remember the first novel that I finished. That is how big of an impact completing that one made on me.

Doing this sort of writing has been something I have longed to do since high school.

Yes, I wrote fiction after high school, but college was a different time. It was my first time away from home for more than a week or two and I had some troubles adjusting to college life and having to work and do school, too, took a toll.

One of the first things to go was writing.

The second was reading for fun. I used to read a ton of books. When I was in college, if I read my textbooks that was an accomplishment.

Because it was a Liberal Arts Bible College, I did read my Bible for a lot of classes.

Now, I have started reading again. At least one book or two per month. I began that about a year or so ago.

The writing has only been going on big time since about April.

It’s been great. I feel like I have awoken.

I find that I like to be awake.


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