A Matter of Perspective

I have written around 10,000 words so far for NaNoWriMo. Yes, if you know the NaNoWriMo goals, that is a bit short but not much.
The goal is to break down a 50,000 word first draft by writing 1667 words per day for the 30 days of November. At that number I should be at 13,333 words.
That will be easy enough to catch up this weekend if I don’t get distracted by the many things that tend to distract a person from doing that which they wish to do.
I might find a million things on Facebook that are far more fun to look at than the blank screen with the cursor blinking on it waiting for me to fill it with something from pure imagination.
I might find a video game that I really want to play.
I might decide to start a new workout routine—nah. Probably not that one.
I might decide to clean the house. It probably needs a good cleaning and there never seems to be an end to laundry and dishes.
But I feel pretty confident that I will get to around 20,000 by the end of the weekend.
In fact, I will be giving away most of what I write this weekend. I am looking for people to sign up for my newsletter. You can sign up for it on my author page on Facebook. Just search: Karin Nauber, Author and Entrepreneur. On there is a featured post that says “e-mail sign up.”
If you sign up and verify your e-mail, not only will you receive my monthly newsletter, but you will also get the free e-book prequel “The Darkness Before.” It is a prequel to the three book series that begins with the novel “The Day After the Apocalypse.”
I’m very excited about the launch of this fictional story about a group of survivors after an apocalypse. Sign up for the newsletter and get the e-book free. If you like the prequel, you might love the series!
I’m still hoping for someone to join me locally to write with me this month. If you are interested, reach out to me at: karin@karinnauber.com.