A Matter of Perspective

It doesn’t “feel” like Christmas...
I’m not sure why, but I just don’t feel like my “holly jolly” self right now. Sure, there is a bit of snow making it “look” a little “Christmasy.” But looks don’t always translate into “feels.”
There are decorations up, but they just aren’t capturing my attention like they usually do.
I think it’s partly because Thanksgiving feels like it came so late. I know the calendar is accurate, but it just “seemed” so late.
I haven’t bought many presents this year. Maybe that is part of it.
I have been to a couple of school Christmas programs and while they were cute and entertaining, even with the manger scenes, I just don’t “feel” festive.
I considered watching a Hallmark Christmas movie, but I am not a person who really believes in fairy tales so I squashed that idea.
I tried to eat a Christmas cookie, but the thought of my blood sugar skyrocketing bombed that idea, too.
I have given this quite a bit of thought. If you are familiar with my writing, you know that I often think a lot about things. I often think about a lot of things, too, sometimes to the point of chaos!
I’ve been super busy with finishing up a children’s book I have been writing. I finally got that done last night. Then I was so tired I couldn’t even find it when I went to put it on Amazon! I am hoping I find it this evening so I can get it published.
I’ve also been busy with writing my blog posts for my online businesses. And yes, I started another business which has taken up a lot of time with training and learning.
But those things have been quite festive and holiday oriented for the past few weeks. So I don’t really think it is that, either.
I guess with all the sadness in the world, we sometimes can forget that this time of the year “should” be festive and bright and happy. And sometimes, it just isn’t.
We miss our loved ones who have passed on. We miss our loved ones that we won’t see this year.
Pulling ourselves up by our “bootstraps” doesn’t always work, either.
We’ve had a lot of sadness around here lately. But I guess that is life and how it rolls. We have to roll with it.
I just wanted to tell any of you who are feeling blue about the holiday that it is okay to feel that way. It is okay to be sad. But if that sadness goes beyond “normal” sadness, please talk with someone. You don’t have to feel alone. Reach out to someone and talk.
If you feel you can’t talk to anyone you know, call 988. That is the National Suicide Prevention Hotline. They can be someone to talk to.
Call the Warmline which is available from 5 p.m. - 9 a.m. (7 days a week/365 days a year) at: 1-844-739-6369.
Don’t let your sadness take over.
Who am I to write about this?
Someone who has been there at the end of the rope, full of despair. Reach out to someone. Don’t go it alone. We want you around.