A Matter of Perspective

It is sometimes hard to grasp the rate of speed at which a single decision can change everything.
Taking a left instead of a right hand turn. Going up instead of down. Flying instead of driving.
There are so many decisions we make in a single day that could change the entire course of our lives. It’s hard to judge the scope of the decisions we make that could change something forever.
I often think of things that I shoulda, coulda, woulda done differently if I could go back in time.
But we can’t go back in time and the decisions we make every day are the decisions we have to live with.
Sometimes they are inconsequential, but sometimes, like I have been saying, they are life-changing.
If I take that left hand turn instead of a right I could get into an accident or I could avoid one.
How many times do we hear a story about someone who took a phone call before they walked out of the house which resulted in them avoiding being involved in a car wreck?
How about the times we hear about someone who had a “bad” feeling about something and cancelled a flight or whatever only to hear later that flight crashed?
There are hundreds of thousands of documented instances like these.
One time someone told me that these were “God Winks.”
I had never heard of that before so I asked more about it.
It was explained to me that this is one of those instances where God gives us a pretty clear message and with hope, we were listening!
According to my Buddy—ChatGPT—“God Winks” are perceived as small, seemingly coincidental events that occur in one’s life, which some interpret as signs or messages from a higher power, suggesting guidance, reassurance or connection. These moments are often seen as divine interventions that affirm personal faith or provide direction.
I certainly believe in God Winks. I also believe that God gives us swift kicks in the rear from time to time just to remind us that He is in charge or maybe just to direct us onto the right path a little faster!
Some of us are stubborn and we don’t always take the hint through subtle means.
Unfortunately, I often need more prodding or swift kicks to get the message to my brain. But when I finally get to the point where I say, “Okay, message received,” things typically go much better.
Did taking the left turn save my life yesterday? I didn’t hear of any right turn accidents so maybe it did!