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A Matter of Perspective

Some disgusting things are out there right under our very eyes and we don’t see them.

I will not name the brand of potato chips that these slides are allegedly from, but my friend is doing an experiment of her own just to see if this disgusting revelation is true.

A package of chips was opened. One chip taken out and crushed up and put on a slide under a microscope. The first image is what they first saw. I do not know what magnification these were at.

These are very disgusting. I mean, these may not be real because I found this information on Facebook, but if they are real, this opens up a whole bunch of questions for me.

The number one question is this: Is any of the food that we purchase that is processed —like chips—safe to eat?

In my friend’s experiment, she thought she saw something move, but the biggest, grossest thing that she saw was the excessive amount of grease. I like chips—well, I used to anyway. Now, my brain is kind of wanting to purge myself of all the processed food in my house!

I am not sure who did the video, but I see from my friend’s slides (not shown) that it is definitely a greasy mess.

I have been learning quite a lot about some of the gross things that are living in our bodies that should not be there. I am also learning about how to get them out of my body!

One thing I learned by watching this and having my friend do her experiments is that one good way to get them out is to NOT let them get into the body in the first place!

Our lives of convenience and fast food are making us very unhealthy. Let’s think about what we put into our bodies and start getting healthier!


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