A Matter of Perspective

It is a scary time we are living in. As I was checking my daily news alerts, I saw that federal funding was being paused by President Trump.
While that may sound like a good thing—let’s stop spending all this money—unfortunately, this hurts some of the people in our rural areas the hardest.
It doesn’t just mean that food support will be affected; it also means that medical care will be shut down for people on Medicaid (medical assistance). That could be your family or friends. That could be you.
This should be very concerning because if you think it will stop at funding things like this—which also includes roads and infrastructure—you’d best think again.
This doesn’t even take into account the hundreds of thousands of jobs that will either be cut entirely or greatly reduced, making the need for services like these even greater.
Saving $3 trillion on these services sounds like a great idea. It really does. But there have got to be ways to save that kind of funding without hurting a significant percentage of people.
A lot of dictates have been handed down over the last two weeks that either directly or indirectly affect you. I can’t even begin to go into all of them. I don’t have to—you know what they are. If you don’t, I suggest turning on the television or reading some news articles related to these topics. Don’t just read them from one side of the aisle, either. Make sure you delve into a variety of sources so you get the whole picture.
A lot of people are concerned and scared. Some say they “should be scared.” I don’t know. Right, wrong, or indifferent, America is supposed to be the land of the free—that means the freedom to make choices that not everyone agrees with.
Whether we agree with people’s choices or not, we have to realize that they might not agree with ours either.
I’m not writing this to debate right or wrong; I am merely watching and observing at this point. But the time is coming when observing won’t be enough—when our neighbors, friends, and family start to disappear—well, by then, it might already be too late.
I pray for this country. I hope you are, too, no matter what your religious affiliation. Prayer is likely our only salvation. But I don’t have to tell you that—you already knew that, too.