A Matter of Perspective

So much can change in such a short time—or at least it feels that way.
I realize that depression can either elongate time or condense it. For me (except for January—that was the longest month EVER), the months feel shorter and shorter. I mean, it’s already March 12, and I just took my Christmas tree down on March 5!
Even though January felt like it lasted forever, it still seems like it should only be the beginning of the year.
That said, I did enjoy having the tree up. The lights made a perfect nightlight. But I knew I had to pull myself out of the depression funk so I could move forward.
I’ve been steadily working on downsizing. Why is it that we Americans have so much STUFF? I probably have more in this one little house than some small third-world countries have altogether!
It’s ridiculous! Even if I could use everything I own, it would probably take years and years to cycle through it all—so why do I keep it?
Well, I’ve decided to start selling things. I don’t need them. When I really thought about it, out of everything I own, the only thing that would truly upset me if I lost it is the Bible my parents gave me when I went to college. Out of thousands of items, that’s the only one I’d miss.
This is going to be a process, but it will be worth it to clear the clutter. If I’m down to just a few outfits for work and home, I’m good with that. Right now, I have a closet full of clothes I haven’t worn since 2014! I know this because that’s when I left my job at the Long Prairie Area Chamber of Commerce—the job I bought most of that wardrobe for.
2014! Some of the clothes are still nice, but the majority need to go.
I know I’m not the only one with this “problem” of accumulation. Just look at all the storage units scattered across the countryside—you can see them everywhere. We just have too much stuff! I know I’ve written about this before, but this time, I’m actually doing something about it. And none of it is going into storage!
You can follow my adventures (and misadventures) on Facebook. I posted a video of me taking down the Christmas tree, and I’ll be sharing more as I go.
Good thing I’m keeping up with my black seed oil—I need the energy to keep going!