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A Matter of Perspective

I am considering changing my name...

Why? Well, because even though the use of the word “Karen” has toned down some from its over-the-top use in 2020, it is still a popular way to call someone a name. describes being a “Karen” like this: “Karen is a pejorative slang term for an obnoxious, angry, entitled, and often racist middle-aged white woman who uses her privilege to get her way or police other people’s behaviors.

“As featured in memes, Karen is generally stereotyped as having a blonde bob haircut, asking to speak to retail and restaurant managers to voice complaints or make demands, and being an anti-vaxx, Generation X soccer mom.

“In 2020, Karen spread as a label used to call out white women who were captured in viral videos engaging in what are widely seen as racist acts.”

Personally, I don’t think I embody any of those traits! Well, maybe the angry one, but not typically the other traits.

The first time someone said, “Calm down, Karen” to me I didn’t get it. I mean, my name is “Karin” so naturally I just thought they meant me by my name.

I was wrong. They were treating me like I was a “Karen!” I was flabbergasted when I found out what this meant.

I mean, I am not the type of gal that demands to talk to the manager when I feel I’ve been wronged. Most of the time, I don’t feel like I have been wronged.

When stores implemented the wearing a mask policy, I wore a mask. When the government said to stay home, I stayed home. I didn’t get all crazy and ask to speak to the “manager!”

According to an article in the New York Post, “...there’s a growing list of internet memes poking fun at real-life stereotypes—names such as Kyle, Becky and Chad are shorthand for this or that trope—but in 2020, ‘Karen’ is the queen of them all.”

The name Karen has become a name for a “white-lady-with-a-bone-to-pick.”

How did this happen?

According to the New York Post, “The origins of ‘Karen’ are oft-debated; some point to Dane Cook’s 2005 bit about the lamest gal in a group of friends being named Karen, while others point to the Mean Girls character played by Amanda Seyfried who is admonished for asking pal Cady (Lindsay Lohan) how she can “be from Africa if she’s white.” Some view it as a righteous motivator for the creation of Black Twitter.”

I don’t know where it came from and according to the articles I have read, neither does anyone else. There is only speculation.

It really doesn’t matter, what matters is, I am a Karin with an “i” and am not appreciative of the stereotype now associated with my name. I know a lot of other Karens who are not representative of the meme either!

I want to talk to the manager!

Not really. I understand that everyone has their own opinion of this.

But I am considering changing my name because of it.

NOT a real product. The American Girl company was repulsed at this fake “Karen” American Girl doll.

Last year, “a fake American Girl doll ad for ‘Karen’ caught the eyes of Twitter: The doll mock-up is of a sweatsuit-wearing, gun-wielding shopper who ‘refuses to wear a mask in public places,’” according to the Post article.

What in the world? Who comes up with this stuff?

Karen is not the only name who has seen bizarre attachments made to them. These names also were added to the list: Chad, Becky, Kyle, Stacy, Felicia and Aaron.

I tend to prefer the Greek meaning of my name which is “Pure.” I also like this analysis of my name: Users of this name “Insightful, Sensitive, Hardworking, Stubborn, Happy.”

On second thought, maybe I will keep my name just the way it is. I like being this kind of Kare(i)n!


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