Browerville School Board hosts meeting to inform public of options
by Karin L. Nauber
A crowd of over 250 people attended the community engagement meeting held by the Browerville Public School Board on June 5 at the Clarissa Ballroom.
The meeting consisted of a meal and then information was shared and then a time for the citizens to ask questions and to respond to some questions was held.
School Board Chairman Bob Bryniarski opened the meeting.
A timeline of events was presented from the collapse and demolition of the gymnasium at the Browerville School up to the point of the meeting.
InGensa Inc. Representative Jaqueline Coleman introduced Luke Pfotenhauer, also from InGensa.
He described some of the needs that have to be met with the new standards such as the former gym being undersized along with the stage being undersized by today’s standards.
He explained that the district needed to look at the options :
1. Does it meet the district’s long-term needs?
2. Does it meet the Minnesota Department of Education School Construction Guidelines?
3. How does the scope balance cost vs. need?
Pfotenhauer explained how the potential costs were determined. . .