Browerville School cell phone policy update
In last week’s edition in the story about school cell phone use, Browerville School’s policy was incorrectly stated. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.
The Minnesota legislature mandated school districts adopt a clear cellphone policy by March 2025.
The Browerville, Bertha-Hewitt and Verndale schools have all implemented various policies. While policies may differ, the results have been beneficial overall. The district principals seem to agree there has been a significant change in academic performance and student engagement.
The Browerville School’s cell phone policy is that no phone use is allowed during the academic school day including transition times and lunch. In August, the board made a sweeping change to the policy prohibiting the use of cell phones (and connected bluetooth devices) during the school day.
Many students and parents from the area districts were apprehensive about the new policy but have come to be supportive of it.
According to Browerville Principal Patrick Sutlief, teachers, students, everybody reports that the diminished role of cell phones in school is refreshing and promotes a much better learning environment.