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Commissioners receive update on Highway 10 project

by Trinity Gruenberg

The Wadena County Commissioners held their regular meeting on August 3.

Highway 10 Drainage Project Update

County Coordinator and Engineer Ryan Odden gave an update on the plans for the Highway 10 drainage project at the fairgrounds. The plan is headed by the city of Wadena. Wadena County serves as the state aid agency.

The final plans were signed by MnDOT on July 22 to complete the grading and addition of a lift station to the Wadena County Fairgrounds. It was part of the $5,000,000 that was given to the city of Wadena to mitigate hazardous materials with the Highway 10 reconstruction through the city and to address drainage issues along the Highway 10 corridor.

The city of Wadena will be accepting bids for the project in late August and construction hopefully will begin in late fall, to be completed before the 2022 Wadena County Fair.

There are several events scheduled at the fairgrounds through September. Odden said it is doubtful contractors would be able to get the materials in time to start in September.

Any utility lines that may possibly be disturbed or damaged during the process would be repaired per the contract.

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