Council discusses new public works building nearing completion
by Trinity Gruenberg
The Verndale City Council held their regular meeting on Monday, December 9. Member Daryl Jacobson was absent.
Public Works
The underground work for the water and sewer services to the new shop is done. Heating units are being installed next week. They plan to start moving into the new building next week if there is heat.
Public Works Supervisor Matt Uselman hopes to have the former building cleaned up so they can list it for sale.
Uselman wants to be able to call the realtor and put the former public works building on the market when they’re ready. The proposal is for $99,900. The council approved.
There were questions about a tornado shelter as there is one in the building and it will be sold. The school would be a shelter. The fire department opens the school when there is a tornado. The city will have to update the plans with the county. The siren is on a pole, and it is in the agreement that the siren is there. If the potential new owners have an issue, they will have to move it to the fire hall.
The volutes for the pumps at the lift station are scheduled to be replaced on December 18.
Other Business
• Approved the tobacco and liquor license for the Verndale Municipal Liquor Store.
• A nuisance abatement policy was adopted. Uselman is concerned about the burden of cleaning up someone’s yard. He will see how it goes...