COVID mobile vaccination bus visits the area

by Karin L. Nauber
Okay. I will be the first to admit it—I am a total baby when it comes to getting shots. I will beg and plead and try to negotiate my way out of getting them or anything to do with needles nearly every single time even though I give myself an insulin injection every day.
When I heard that the mobile COVID-19 vaccination clinic was making a stop in Clarissa, I debated about getting the shot. Even as we pulled into the grassy area by the Clarissa Fire Department where the bus and tents were all set up—we questioned if we should get the shot or just go back home.
We decided to get out and get the shot.
For me, it came down to the question of did I want to chance getting COVID-19 again? I do not. If a vaccine helps me to avoid it, then I will get the shot. My experience with COVID-19 was horrible and a shot was the lesser of two “evils.”
On Tuesday, while one of the busses was in Clarissa, Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan was making a stop to visit another one at the HmongTown Marketplace in St. Paul.
According to a press release, “the mobile units have hosted 70 events in partnership with community organizations since April 12, 2021, providing over 2500 vaccines to Minnesotans in communities which demonstrated a need for increased access to vaccinations.”
Todd County was noted to be one of those places.
“Minnesota has led the country in distributing vaccine quickly, and appointments are now widely available for any eligible Minnesotan who wants to be vaccinated. But we also know that barriers to vaccination still exist for communities across the state,” said Flanagan.
“I’m grateful to all the partners who have made these mobile vaccination events happen. Together, we’re making sure everyone in Minnesota has the opportunity to be vaccinated by bringing the vaccine right to them.” . . .