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Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past

75 Years Ago, August 14, 1947

•Burt H. Pettit, 89-year-old Verndale resident, was runner up in the Minnesota Ancient Angler-Conservationist Contest sponsored by the Minneapolis Star-Journal and Tribune. On Tuesday of last week, Mr. Pettit received a letter from Ed Shave, outdoor editor, that he was receiving some baits presented by the Paul Bunyan Bait Co. for being honored as second place winner in the contest. He was also informed he would receive an invitation soon for a special luncheon for sportsmen at the Dutros Cafe in Minneapolis.

•Mrs. Della Ryan completed a business transaction last week for the purchase of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Webber’s home on the north side. Mrs. Ryan, who has been staying at the home of her daughter Mrs. George Doyle the past year or more, will move into her new home.

•A Verndale kittenball team defeated Staples here Tuesday evening 9-6. The Verndale team came from behind in the latter part of the game to overcome a 5-1 Staple’s lead. “Hook” Weber and Dick Anderson did the pitching for Verndale while Curtis Smith did the catching.

40 Years Ago, August 19, 1982

•Verndale’s first, First Class Scout, was honored at the Boy Scout Court of Honor held Thursday, August 5 in the Community Center. Bryan Jacobson is seen here being congratulated by his Scout Master Con Van Batavia, while his mother, Mrs. Bill Jacobson looks on.

•Everyone was a Bluhm for one day, when descendants of Wilhelm and Sophia Bluhm gathered at Bertha the weekend of August 7-8 marking the 100th anniversary of his death and the 152nd birthday of Sophia. Family members from Minnesota, Kansas, New York, Colorado, California, North Dakota, Michigan, Oregon, Iowa, Wisconsin, Arkansas, Illinois, Nebraska, Indiana and North Carolina were in attendance. Lorraine (Mrs. Don) Blaha of rural Verndale held one of the pencil drawings completed by her granddaughter Deb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Blaha of Verndale, for each branch of the family.

• Three Verndale lads attended the Lumberjack Cub Scout Day Camp, August 2-4, at Black’s Grove Park near Wadena. With their Den Mother Marilyn Neuerburg, they were Nathan Neuerburg, Eric Moyer and Greg Johnson. Wednesday was Verndale’s day and they were charged with running the gunny sack races. Eighty scouts from Verndale, Wadena, Clarissa, Eagle Bend, Bertha, Staples and Sebeka took part in activities.

15 Years Ago, August 15, 2007

•Louie Randal and Marlo Krenz have been very busy the past few weeks preparing for this weekend’s second annual Stampede For Wishes motorcycle ride. Randal and Krenz decided to start the fundraiser three years ago after attending a Ronald McDonald ride. Although the concept is similar to the Ronald McDonald ride, the proceeds for this fundraiser go to the Make-A-Wish foundation of Minnesota.

•Jim Bergquist gave his maintenance report early in the city council meeting, and one of the things he discussed was the Fourth Avenue South Project. He stated that the sub-contractor doing the paving work had concerns about only placing two inches of pavement on the street and recommended three inches instead. The estimated cost for this is $6000.

•The Wadena Rotary satisfied many taste buds last week with Minnesota’s favorite vegetable at their 41st annual corn and chicken feed on Thursday, August 9. The rotary served an estimated 1600 people with buttery corn on the cob, fried chicken, cucumber salad, baked beans and bread. All proceeds went to the Wadena Rotary.


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