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Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past

75 Years Ago, September 25, 1947

•Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jacobs, owners of the Verndale Poultry Farm at the north edge of town, have their new 28’x120’ hen house nearly completed. The new building which replaces their old one damaged by a fire will easily handle 1500 hens.

•The Callahan Bros. started construction on their new garage building this week. The garage will be located at the east edge of town or between the old highway and No. 10.

•Mrs. Earl Jenson, Mrs. Harry Hines and Mrs. Sam Lyman were among the 265 women who attended the annual Farm Bureau Women’s Short Course from September 16-19, according to word received from J.O. Christianson, director of the Agricultural Short Courses. The course dealt largely with social and community problems that Farm Bureau women will be facing in their local communities.

40 Years Ago, September 30, 1982

•Three juveniles and one adult female from Detroit Lakes are facing charges after a rampage that ended in a high-speed chase in St. Cloud and three damaged vehicles. Authorities reported that Stinar’s Car Ranch in Wadena had been burglarized late Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning. At 1:45 a.m., Wednesday, it was reported to local authorities that a Chevy Love belonging to Paul Eickhoff had been taken from in front of the Darrell Dahlvang home on North Farwell Street. A vehicle matching the description was filling with gasoline in Motley and headed south on Highway 10. A high-speed chase was reported to have resulted in a pickup and two squad cars being damaged.

•Third Avenue, between Brown and Thompson streets, received a new two-inch layer of hot mix last week. School buses regularly travel this route and it had deteriorated beyond repair. The council had begun budgeting for street work and plans to recover one or two blocks each year. Otremba’s Blacktopping did the work while City Maintenance Engineer Bill Beaven observed which is shown in the photo.

•Firemen forced their way into the trunk of a 1981 Plymouth Reliant to make sure all embers were extinguished. They were called to the William H. Fisher farm just north of town last Friday when a fire of unknown origin completely gutted the car. Bill said he had parked it in the cornfield about a mile west of the farmyard and had taken equipment to do custom work in Wing River Township. When returning at about 3:30 for another tractor, he saw smoke billowing from the field and found the car engulfed in flames. It was totally destroyed.

15 Years Ago, September 26, 2007

•Members of the 2007 homecoming court posed for a fun picture as they prepared for this year’s coronation to be held on Monday, October 1 in the Verndale School auditorium. Members are: Jackie Kern, Sam Moenkedick, Hillary Kern, Jake Seaton, Alexia Christenson, Mike Willis, Jackie Finch and Ethan Kern.

•College is a family affair for the Cronks of Deer Creek. Pat Cronk and her daughter Sara are students in the Central Lakes College Photographic Imaging Technology Program at the Staples Campus. Sara’s twin brother Mark is a student in the Communication Art and Design Program. Pat is a 1972 high school graduate.

• The Pirates football team was once again victorious last Friday on the road against Bertha-Hewitt. In a rivalry match-up, Bertha-Hewitt is always a tough team to beat in almost every sport, and always a team that Verndale looks forward to matching up with. Friday night’s game started out strong for the Pirates and stayed that way until the bitter end, Pirates 34-6.



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