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Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past

75 Years Ago, October 23, 1947

•The Verndale Commercial Club turkey dinner served in the St. Frederick’s Church basement on Monday evening met all expectations of beginning a successful event with 108 men and women being served a luscious turkey dinner. The 113 pounds of turkey purchased from the fine flock of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Benson and prepared by the ladies of the Catholic church along with all the trimmings was truly a rare treat.

•The ladies of the Order of the Eastern Star are holding a food sale at the Heinemann and Gobel store on Saturday, October 25 at one o’clock. All members are urged to have their food there before that time.

• “Sharkey” Payne, owner and manager of the new Verndale Theatre had a new screen installed in his theater on Monday of this week. The first new screen Sharkey started out with had two lines that showed clear across the picture, but he was unable to get another screen until this time.

40 Years Ago, October 28, 1982

•Police Chief Cedric Haugen reports that another, the third vehicle this past year, has been stolen from Verndale. Pamela Peterson of rural Verndale had parked her white 1976 Pontiac at the home of her brother-in-law, Dennis Johnson, in Verndale, so he could take it to the garage for service the following day. The Johnsons were not home at the time. When Pam called later to tell him what she wanted done, he said “What car?” It was then reported stolen. There are suspects in the case, although they have not been located, nor has the car.

•Nearly 100 farmers, politicians and interested businessmen attended the Farmers Union Rally held on Saturday afternoon at the 4-H Building at the fairgrounds in Wadena where they heard Mark Macy, Farm Union Legislative director, Jim Eichstaat-Farm Union Milk Marketing supervisor, and George Latimer-St. Paul Mayor speak on farm-related problems. Ted Suss, who lives south of Aldrich, was moderator for the rally. Also introduced were Gary Motl- Todd County Farmers Union President and Donald Meech-Wadena Farm Union President.

•The west side of Verndale was without electricity for a little over an hour last week on Wednesday after a guy wire broke when struck by a car. As a result, wires were torn loose from the light pole located between 2nd and 3rd Avenues on Thompson Street. Jerome (Smokey) Hokanson of Minnesota Power lowered himself in the bucket after completing the hookup to restore service. The accident happened at 1:50 p.m.

15 Years Ago, November 7, 2007

•The Verndale Pirates football team defeated Ashby last Thursday in the Fargodome to take the Section 4 9-man title. The Pirates will now travel to Hamline University on Thursday, November 8, to face off with Houston High School in the State Quarter Final Game.

•On Halloween night, the Verndale School hosted its annual Fall Festival where children could come dressed in costumes and have a great time. As well as games with candy prizes, there were also snack and door prizes and a puppet show. Children, parents, teachers, and helpers all had fun playing games and dressing up for the evening. The event was held from 7-8:30 p.m. giving kids plenty of time to fit in their trick-or-treating.

•In June of 2006, Don ad Lillian Sommars, and Jean Fischer suffered damage to their yards during a large wind storm that came through town. This summer didn’t help their case with the massive drought the area suffered. The storm knocked over many of their trees, and the drought killed most of the others. Both the Sommars’ and Jean Fischer are senior citizens, and could not tend to this yardwork by themselves. But Bob and Glen Tyrrell were more than willing to help out, along with a friend of theirs. The three gentlemen took out 33 trees and cleaned up the mess on October 27. These three men are proof that small-town hospitality still exists, and that a helping hand really can make a big difference in someone’s life.



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