Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past
75 Years Ago, November 6, 1947
•At the regular meeting of the Verndale Village Council on Monday evening of this week, former Superintendent of Schools C.R. Peterson was appointed to fill the unexpired term, or until January 1, of the office of village mayor which was left vacant by the death of Arthur Bergquist on October 27.
•Edwin Lepper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Lepper of Verndale, who is working in Leavenworth, Washington, set a hunting record for hunters of that town recently. Ed saw a bear, and as the story goes a big black bear came face to face with Ed. The bear looked at Ed and Ed looked at the bear, but nary a shot was fired by Ed, and soon said bear became disgusted and strolled on over a ridge out of sight. And now Ed has the distinction around Leavenworth of getting the closest ever to a bear without shooting.
•Scott Murphy, a Verndale resident thirty-some years ago, was one of the eighteen victims killed in a plane crash near Ketchikan, Alaska last Sunday. The 44-passenger DC4 American World Airways plane was carrying 13 passengers and a crew of five. Murphy of Juneau is a brother of West Murphy, Nick Murphy and Bob Murphy, also former Verndale residents.
40 Years Ago, November 11, 1982
•Craig M. Winkles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Winkles, Rt. 2, Verndale, became this area’s first hunting fatality the second day of deer hunting season. According to the Wadena County Sheriff’s Office, the incident occurred at 2:10 p.m. on Sunday in Lyons Township, southeast of Oylen. Craig and a 15-year-old companion were hunting at the edge of the woods when they thought they heard a noise. Craig is reported to have knelt down, and his companion swung around, and as he turned his gun struck Craig in the chest and it discharged. Craig was pronounced dead at the scene by the deputy coroner.
• Michael Jerome Hokanson and Bruce Beaver of Verndale were recently honored as Freshman Academic Scholars at the University of Minnesota, Morris. Provost John Q. Imholte presented each with a special UMM Freshman Academic Scholarship certificate. Hokanson and Beaver are both 1982 graduates of Verndale High School.
•Two Verndale math students received tee shirts from their teacher, Robert Schultz, sent to them in recognition for their achievement in the Jamestown Math Tests. Senior Ken Waisanen has either tied for first place or been in the top 10 the past three years. This year, he holds that honor alone, having completed 29 out of 30 questions. Verndale had 19 entries in this top division.
15 Years Ago, November 21, 2007
•The Verndale American Legion Auxiliary presented a check to Jim Runyan on Monday, November 12, in the amount of $500. The check will go toward the Verndale Legion Baseball Team. Pictured are: MaDonna Desrocher, Avis Paulsen, Jim Runyan, Betty Wiese and Kathy Wiese.
•The Verndale United Methodist Church is sending a Christmas gift to all. It is in the form of an evening of beautiful music and stories about Christmas. Vicki Marthaller and Kim Schnitzer from Detroit Lakes will be on hand to tell the Christmas Story through inspirational music, scripture and experiences of Christians. People from all over the country have been touched by them as they have shared their ministry called “Sing and Tell the Story.”
•The Verndale Pirates knew they were in for a tough game last Thursday when they headed up against powerhouse Stephen-Argyle. The team hasn’t lost a game since 2002 when they were defeated by Verndale in the state championship. The team came in ready to rumble against the Storm but just couldn’t keep up with their strong power.