Dusting off the Archives
News from Verndale's Past
75 Years Ago, June 10, 1948
• The Verndale Dynamiters 4-H Club will sponsor an ice cream social in the village park on Saturday, June 12. The social will start at 4 p.m. The purpose of the social is to raise money to be used to put a new floor in the 4-H building at the county fairgrounds.
• Curtis Smith, who was hospitalized from May 31 until June 6, was pleasantly surprised Saturday afternoon when a group of his friends undertook the cultivating of 60 acres of corn. The job was finished in 2 1/4 hours and was done by 11 two-row cultivators and tractors. Those who helped in this praiseworthy task were: Albert Smith Jr., Norbert Landwehr, Howard Witthuhn, Gordon Gague, Cecil Smith, August Kneisl, Milton Dougherty, Everett Beaver, Leonard Smith, Roy Colby and Lew Beaver. Mrs. Curtis Smith gave the men a nice lunch when they had finished.
• St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Verndale was the scene of an unusual happening last Sunday when five grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Attleson were baptized at the same time. They were Catherine and Thomas Attelson, children of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Attleson of Seattle, Wash.; Arthur and Sandra Lee Halverson of Staples; and Dianne Louise Attleson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Attleson of North Wadena.
40 Years Ago, June 8, 1983
• Lions and Lioness members were tested for high blood pressure last Thursday at their regular monthly meeting. Pictured, Rodney Anderson watched as the digital apparatus began recording his systolic and diastolic and pulse rates. It was also recorded on tape, at which Merlyne Bissell pointed as she operated the unit. She assisted Betty Johnson of the County Public Nursing Service, who explained the purpose of the program and advised those with high readings to check with their family doctors.
• Five county girls, two from the Verndale area, are vying for the title of Wadena County Dairy Princess. Selection will be made Saturday evening, June 11, immediately after the Dairy Days Parade which is scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m. Michelle Richter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Richter, and Lisa Line, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Line, are the two Verndale entrees.
• The Toilet Race and the Spiffy Biffy Contest were the main items on the agenda at the FFA Alumni meeting held on June 2. Rules for the toilet race remain about the same as last year except it must be 4x4 feet and six feet high and the toilet and rider combined must weigh over 400 lbs. A new event for the Strawhat and Sunbonnet Days will be the Spiffy Biffy Contest with all entries to be included in the parade. It’s your chance to express your wildest dreams. Build an outdoor toilet and decorate it as you wish—the prettier the better.
15 Years Ago, June 12, 2008
• For the first time, Verndale Class 1A softball played in the State Tournament. During the regular season, Verndale scored 119 runs, while allowing just 28. Nicole Bart had a no-hitter going into the seventh inning of the Class 1A state softball quarterfinals on Thursday. Bart struck out 13 of the 23 batters she faced. She allowed two hits, one earned run and no walks. After falling in the Class 1A quarterfinals, the Pirates once again were downed by the same score in the consolation semifinals to Badger/Greenbush-Middle River on Friday in North Mankato.
• Rainy days, lazy nights and nights of boredom have been vanquished in Verndale by the opening of the new Take Two Video area located in Carr’s Convenience Store at 100 East Mason Ave. The new addition to the gas station and convenience store has been in the making for a few years now, according to Chuck Dick.
• On Tuesday, June 3, 2008, at the Minnesota High School State Golf Tournament banquet, Baldy Waldahl was inducted into the Minnesota Golf Coaches Hall of Fame. He was nominated by Rich Aulie of Crosby Ironton, a 2007 inductee.