Dusting off the Archives
75 Years Ago, September 9, 1948
• Verndale Public School opened Tuesday morning with the largest first day enrollment of any year in the past with 136 pupils in the first through sixth grades and 190 in the high school. Several high school pupils expected to return were not present the first day and may bring the total to more than 200 in the high school. The largest single grade was 49 pupils in the freshmen class.
• Verndale nabbed the Region 10B Consolation title Monday when they edged out Pierz 11-9. Dalton, who defeated Verndale 10-4 Sunday, took the Region Championship title when they defeated Barnesville 10-4. Barnesville advanced to the finals by trouncing Pierz 14-4 on Sunday.
• Mr. Art Leonard lost three head of youngstock that were struck and killed by lightning in the pasture during the electrical storm Sunday night.
• Jule Langer “the Minnesota Kid” of KWAD radio fame had a miraculous escape from serious or fatal injuries last Friday afternoon. Jule was on his way home from Brainerd in his car of the “gay twenties” vintage traveling along the highway about 50 miles per hour when his steering apparatus gave way. What to do, thought Jule, put on the brakes? “No, can’t put on the brakes—they were all through a week ago.” So, all Jule could do was trust in God and thought may He have mercy on me. His car took its own course while it zig zagged down the road a short spell until it went off the highway and stopped near a pile of snow fence.
40 Years Ago, September 7, 1983
• Prematurely dry cornstalks are evident in most irrigated fields due to lack of rain in this area during the month of August. The .25 inches of rain which fell Sunday was the most appreciable amount received for about a month. Many farmers are chopping their corn for silage to realize some return for their labors. The County Extension Office warns about high nitrate content in stressed corn, and warns farmers to take the necessary precaution by cutting at least 10 inches above the ground, and providing adequate ventilation in silos and silage rooms before entering those areas.
• New ownership of the Verndale Laundromat took place last Thursday, September 1 when the papers were signed by Sue Adams on behalf of her late husband, Bill, who had operated the business the past 18 years, and the business was transferred to the Roger Andersons. It’s intended to be a family project with duties assigned to all. Pictured were Scott, JoAnn, Roger and Kim. They are in the process of redecorating the building and ask your patience while they become acquainted with the business.
• Three new faculty members were introduced Monday at a breakfast for teachers before they were addressed by Superintendent Jim Shereck at the beginning of a workshop day. They were Richard Muckala, Eileen Lannon and Linda Johnson. Muckala will teach agriculture classes in the afternoon and serve as FFA advisor. He teaches ag in Wadena in the mornings. Lannon is the counselor and is shared with Bertha. Johnson of Staples has been hired as 5/7 secondary LD teacher.
• A fire of unknown origin began in materials on a shelf, burning through the adjacent wall in a porch on the Emerson Chapman home 13 miles northeast of Verndale Sunday. Firemen were summoned about 2 p.m., but the fire was extinguished before they arrived on the scene. The Chapmans were visiting parents a short distance away when their son, Lonnie, home alone, called them home saying there was something burning on the porch. The Wadena County Sheriff’s Office is investigating.