Dusting off the Archives
News from Verndale's Past
75 Years Ago, October 14, 1948
• Somewhere in Verndale, mostly on the south side of the tracks, there is considerable radio interference, especially during the noon hour. Evidently, someone has some electric appliance they are using at this time that is causing an awful lot of radio interference they’re not aware of. It would be a good gesture on everyone’s part to check their household electrical appliances with their own radio, and then if you have interference in your own home, check with your neighbors to see if it bothers them.
• The Verndale Goal Diggers 4-H Club meeting was called to order by Secretary Betty Rundell. Everyone stood and recited the 4-H pledge. The minutes were read by Secretary Betty Rundell. New officers were elected. They are as follows: President Betty Rundell, Vice President Ebbie Stone, Secretary-Treasurer Jerry Mae Jacobs and Reporter Joan Harrison. The program was planned for the council meeting. After the meeting, songs were sung and lunch was served by Lois, Ebbie and Ralph Stone.
• Joe Schandl Jr. of Aldrich brought in an over-sized carrot on Wednesday of last week that weighed over 2.5 pounds. Also, Fred King of Verndale has been giving the young folks some pumpkins that are weighing up near the 50 pound mark.
40 Years Ago, October 12, 1983
• A Blazer, taken for a test drive from Mueller’s car lot in Staples last week on Wednesday, October 5, was reported stolen when the driver failed to return with it. The driver had also been reported to have filled the gas tank at the self-service station in Staples, then drove off without paying for the gas. Verndale Police Chief Scott Miller spotted the vehicle about 9:30 p.m. on Sixth Avenue South in Verndale and pursued it about a mile on County Road 112 before it was brought to a stop. A 20-year-old Verndale man, Vince Poppe, driver of the vehicle, is being held in the Wadena County Jail on a charge of unauthorized use of a vehicle and for a felony warrant from Otter Tail County.
• Cathy Colby, Miss Verndale, was one of the royalty crowned at the Miss Heartland Pageant at Crosby Mayberry Auditorium last Saturday evening. She and Sherri Lynn Carlson of Longville were named princesses while Miss Crosby-Ironton, Sharry Lynn Simons will reign as Miss Heartland for the coming year.
• On September 27, five Verndale FFA Chapter members traveled to Long Prairie to participate in various District IV activities. Chapter Vice President Brian Richter attended the Fall Leadership Rally, which lasted from 9:15 a.m.-2 p.m. with a noon meal. This year they also had a Soils Judging Team compete for the first time in three years. The team consisted of Wayne McClure, Tim Carpenter, Jerry Swanson and Ray Cooper, who placed individually in that order.
15 Years Ago, October 16, 2008
• Nicole Bart and Matt Moenkedick were crowned Homecoming Queen and King at Verndale’s Homecoming this past week. Returning royalty from Verndale Homecoming 2007 were Jackie Finck and Ethan Kern. The MCs were Jessica Grossinger and Jayson Runyan. Crown bearers were Evie Tyrell and Cole Smith.
• Verndale Council Member Bruce Koppenhaver and Ardith Carr have filed for the office of mayor, as announced during the Monday, October 6, Verndale City Council meeting. Current Mayor Wayne Stave has decided not to seek re-election, and two individuals have filed to have their names placed on the Tuesday, November 4, ballot.
• As part of the September Take Charge of Education donation, Target is awarding the Verndale School with a check. This payout is a direct result of the parents, teachers and school supporters who participated in the program.