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Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past

75 Years Ago, January 27, 1949

• Two or three Verndale queen contestants will be selected by six judges at the Verndale School next Monday evening, January 31, to represent Verndale in the Todd-Wadena Queen Contest at Long Prairie on Friday, February 4. All girls in Verndale and the community 17 years old or older and who are single are eligible to participate.

• Verndale made Oz Black’s cartoonist page of the Minneapolis Tribune last Sunday under the caption of the “Upper Midwest Puzzle— What Minnesota Town is This?” Suggestions for the puzzle were sent in by Muriel Dickinson, JoAnne Johnson and Alice Cafferty.

• The Verndale Sun this week added two new correspondents to its columns, and they are a wide distance apart, over 3000 miles in fact. One of our valued new correspondents will be Fred Marshall, the Sixth District’s new DFL Congressman who will enlighten us each week on what is going on in the nation’s capitol. Our other corespondent will be Mrs. Percy Miller of Buckley, Washington, former resident.

40 Years Ago, January 25, 1984

• Over 90 percent of all students in kindergarten through sixth grade were fingerprinted by local police officers, Chief Scott Miller and Bill Gilroy, last Thursday and Friday. A number of pre-schoolers and a few upperclassmen, at the request of their parents, were also fingerprinted. Pictured, Miller assisted Joni Dalen while other kindergartners anxiously waited in line.

• Forty-two youngsters competed in the free throw contest last Saturday morning, sponsored by the Verndale Boosters Club, which will be awarding gold and silver medals to the winners in each age group for both boys and girls. The winners also advance to the Wadena over-all contest sponsored by the Elks on February 11 beginning at 1 p.m. in the junior high gym. Paula Bounds completed 15 of 25 tries to place first in the girls’ 12-13 division, followed by Jill Hosek who made 10.

• Mrs. Dyer, fourth grade teacher, pointed to a mosaic in her room which depicts the origin of many of our American foods. Where would you guess our potatoes came from? Ireland? Wrong. The first potatoes in North America came from Peru in South America.

15 Years Ago, January 29, 2009

• The Verndale kindergarten class has been having a ball this winter. In September 2008, Lakewood health System contacted the school to see if there was any interest in using stability balls in the classroom. Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Veronen decided to give it a try. The two teachers went to a training for the use of stability balls and were surprised to learn how many benefits there are to sitting on them.

• A spelling bee took place on Friday, January 23, from 8:45-9:15 a.m. It was the shortest contest that was ever held in Verndale. The winner was Brianna Nadgwick, an eighth grader, with the winning word—algebra.

• Zak Lambert, a freshman, is a member of the Southwest Minnesota State University wrestling team for the 2008-2009 season and is from Verndale. Lambert competes in the 125-133 lb. weight class for the Mustangs, who are coached by Jesse Nelson. Lambert is the son of Gary and Julie Lambert of Verndale.



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