Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past
75 Years Ago, March 10, 1949
• Verndale wins 1949 sub-district. Pictured are the champs, front row: Roger Conley, R. Anderson, Ray Pfeiffer, Jim Lepper, Lawrence Sharp, Leo Minnette and Richard Grewe. Back row: Donald Umland, Pat Mack, Bill Fisher, Ronnie Doll, Frank Roberts, Robert Doll, Duane Davis, Billy Desrocher and Coach Earl Seaton. Since 1935, or the past 14 years, Verndale has won seven sub-districts and were runners-up four years. In 1939, they were ceded into the district tournament play.
• Harold Pleidrup, Verndale, was elected president of the West Central Holstein Breeders Association in Wadena on Friday. Martin Hanson of Clarissa was elected vice president and Clarence Titrud, Clarissa, secretary-treasurer. Directors named were Bruce Naylor, Verndale; Howard Hoff, Battle Lake; and Arthur Pleidrup, Verndale.
• Dean Alred Kellem, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Kellem of Verndale, is being brought back to Verndale in the near future from the cemetery at Krama Retto, Okinawa Funto for reburial in the Verndale cemetery with full military rites. Dean was killed April 7, 1945 in the battle of Okinawa while serving on the U.S. Destroyer “Morris”.
40 Years Ago, March 7, 1984
• If you heard a loud “boom” as we did last Friday morning, yet saw no signs of activity or distress, you probably also wondered what happened. A freak accident occurred about 9 a.m. when the bottom of a portable air compressor gave way after it had been filled with air, prior to being loaned out. George Gray, an employee at G and L Service in Verndale, received injuries to the toes of his right foot when the “tired” compressor, threw the unit against his foot, resulting in a fractured middle toe.
• TOPS members put on a skit for the Lioness at their meeting last Thursday night. They have been requested to perform it in several towns on numerous occasions. It was written by Kathi Wilhelmi, who is pictured being fed by hands that belong to Diane Hahn, and later she was powdered in preparation for a night out with her hubby. The program, narrated by Barb Schenk, provided much merriment.
• The upperclassmen will be representing Verndale at State. Wendy Heller, junior high, and Tammy Swanson, senior high, each have pencil drawings of themselves which have been sent to compete at the state level. Wendy’s is a portrait of herself as an infant, captured in a photograph while she played in the grass, while Tammy did a self portrait.
15 Years Ago, March 12, 2009
• It has been over two months since the fire at Sundby Enterprises. It has taken a lot of courage to start over again. Domino Ford in Wadena was a place that could accommodate all the businesses under one roof while the buildings in Verndale are being rebuilt. The new location, the former Domino Ford building, is five miles west of Verndale.
• Verndale Ski Day was held on March 5 with grades four through six participating. They went to Andes Tower Hills and it was a beautiful day for everyone. Some students took instructions. They learned how to put on skis, stop, turn and get up after a fall.
• The Raiders had five wrestlers headed to St. Paul on Wednesday for the State Tournament for four days of wrestling. Those that qualified were Nathan Wiese, Jake Braaten, Matt Moenkedick, Wade Moenkedick and Colin Turchin. Jake took third place and Matt took fourth.