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Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past

75 Years Ago, June 16, 1949

•  Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnson left Saturday for a ten day trip to the Black Hills and Yellowstone Park. They were to be accompanied by his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Berndard Schwartz of Willmar. Earl Ireland Jr. of Onamia is helping at the farm with the work during the Johnson’s vacation.

• Bruce Naylor of Verndale again tops the Wadena County Cow Testing Association for the month of May with a high herd that produced 1526 lbs. of milk with 56 lbs. of butterfat on the average. Don Sommers was second with 940 lbs. of milk and 44.1 lbs. of butterfat. 

• This coming week’s attractions at the Verndale Theater are: Friday and Saturday, John Sand in “Panhandle”; for Sunday and Monday, Olivia de Havilland in “The Snake Pit”; next week on Wednesday and Thursday, Mischa Auer and Mary Boland in “Little Tough Guys in Society”. 

40 Years Ago, June 20, 1984

• After being approached again by representatives of the FFA Alumni, Virgil Schmidt and MaryLu McLure, and Art Instructor Steve Aeling, the Verndale School Board voted to purchase a greenhouse and art supplies which was turned down in a capital outlay request last month. The greenhouse project has been tabled to check the amount of sunshine exposure there might be in the school courtyard to allow a greenhouse to be located there. Tests showed that sunlight for growing plants would be sufficient in that area, so at the regular meeting held June 11, approval was given to purchase a greenhouse available at Great Plains Supply for over $600.

•The home of the Ray Krell family was gutted by fire last Sunday around noon while the family was in church. Ray’s sister Laraine Myers, who attended church in Verndale, had gone to the homestead as was her custom most Sundays and found smoke coming from the house. She ran to her parent’s home and summoned the Verndale Fire Department which responded immediately. Most of the firemen were attending or working the Lions Club chicken barbecue across the street from the fire hall. The cause of the fire was believed to have been electrical. When it was over it was discovered that the roast in the oven intended for the family’s Father’s Day dinner was baked to perfection, so firemen were treated to roast beef sandwiches, courtesy of the Bill Krells who also maintain a home on the property. Fireman Scott Miller was helped off the roof after an upstairs window exploded in his face. He was fortunate not to have any serious injuries due to his protective clothing. 

• Debris lay scattered throughout the area where two Burlington Northern freight trains met head-on three miles east of Motley at 1 a.m. last week Thursday, June 14. The area resembled a London Blitz after the trains collided. The impact lifted the huge locomotives at least 30 feet in the air and derailed at least 50 boxcars crashed in a heavily wooded area killing one engineer and leaving two missing in the rubble. Cause of the accident was attributed to human error. The very young BN dispatcher, located in Minneapolis, has been suspended without pay while the investigation continues. 


15 Years Ago, June 18, 2009

• The Verndale Sun welcomes new owners this week as Ray and Marlo Benning of Clarissa took over the publication on Monday, June 15. The Citizen’s Advocate owners—sisters Mary Drewes, Carol Clauson and Sonya Grabe—purchased the newspaper from Blade Publishing of Browerville in 2006. But time and distances takes its toll and the Citizen’s Advocate crew realized the importance of maintaining a presence in the community they were servicing. In May of this year, the Verndale Sun was listed on the market, and the Bennings stepped forward and made an offer. They own the Independent News Herald in Clarissa, and purchasing the neighboring town’s paper made sense since their current publication already covers the combined Bertha-Hewitt-Verndale sports teams and area news.

• On June 5, the Twins, along with Mortenson Construction, celebrated with a topping-off party as the final piece of structural steel was put into place atop the left-field roof canopy of Target Field. A ceremony was held and lunch was served to more than 1500 workers. 

• A senior health clinic sponsored by the Wadena County Public Health Department will be held Friday, June 26, from 9:30-11 a.m. at the Verndale Senior Center. The health screening will include blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol, vision, hearing, medication review, foot care, immunizations, health informations and referrals. 



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