Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past
75 Years Ago, June 23, 1949
• Harry A. Allen, Spokane, Washington, and his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. K.E. Perry of San Diego, California, visited old friends here on Friday enroute to Springfield, Ohio to visit his son, Kent and family. Mr. Allen will be remembered as being editor of the Verndale Sun for many years. While here they were dinner guests of Mrs. LaLone and her daughter, Mrs. Luther, of Spokane, Washington.
• Friends, which includes the community, are planning a farewell party for Reverend and Mrs. Spicer to be held at the Methodist Church next Monday evening, June 27. Mrs. Dalen, Mrs. Wm. Eckstein and Mrs. Earl Seaton, Sr., the refreshments committee, have asked a few to bring cake, and the rest may contribute toward the ice cream.
• Wilbur H. Desrocher, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Desrocher of Verndale, and Madonna Agnes Svir, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Svir, were married last week on Wednesday, June 15 at the St. Mary’s Catholic Church at Badger. Father McMahon performed the double ring ceremony which took place at 9 a.m.
40 Years Ago, June 27, 1984
• Pictured, Little Miss Petite, Jennifer Schmitz, daughter of Ken and Val Schmitz, lends a hand at decorating Verndale’s newest float for the Little Miss Petite Royalty, in readiness for the Wadena parade last Saturday. Assisting her are Maurie Finck, pageant chairman, and Erika Schnek, Miss Verndale, the daughter of Jimmy and Barb Schenk.
• Verndale’s caboose is now back on its wheels and in it’s final resting place on the north side of McNair Park. It took the labor of many people to accomplish this. The body was hauled from the railway side behind Great Plains by Custom Home Movers. Bill Beven, Verndale maintenance engineer, used his tractor to move one of the rails into place. He located volunteers to do the muscle work. Volunteers were Rich Brown, John Otremba, Jim Runyan, Joe Otremba, Bobby Anderson and Dan Fisher.
• A community orchestra is being formed to accompany the congregational singing at the ecumenical church service planned for 10:30 a.m., Sunday, August 5, as well as to provide special music. At least two practice sessions will be held during the two weeks prior to the celebration. People with musical abilities are encouraged to join, and indicate their intention as soon as possible so the necessary instrumental parts can be obtained.
15 Years Ago, June 25, 2009
• The blacktop had been peeled away the previous week, but on Monday, June 8, the first official digging to replace the water lines within the city took place on Farwell Street, north of town along Highway 10, next to G & L Service. Kuechle Underground employees, including Joel Koppendrayer, pictured, shown deep in the first hole, spent the first day in the soggy, cool weather conditions removing the old pipes and preparing to put in the new.
• Steve’s Auto Body should be up and running by July 1 at the location of the former Verndale Feed Store. New Owner Steve Elfstrum will also be adding on a new office and a lobby/waiting room. Steve’s Auto Body will take care of all your general automotive mechanical needs including brakes, shocks, welding, tires and oil changes. He will buy scrap cars and machinery by the ton. He can also weigh pretty much anything with his 70 by 11 foot scale.
• PEP Club hosted its annual Hoots and Toots Family Fun Night last Tuesday, May 19. More than 250 people attended the event. On display outside were service vehicles from Evergreen Equipment, Tony’s Transfer and Aldrich Tractor. The Verndale police and fire departments displayed vehicles as did the Wadena County Sheriff’s Office, Tri County Hospital and Lakewood Health System. Fran Kueker, Vickie Thompson and Patty Greenwood were there with their horses for the Wadena County Posse. Families toured the vehicles and tried out the various horns, lights and loudspeakers each one had to offer.