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Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's past!

75 Years Ago, August 4, 1949

• A bulk oil station fire at Staples on Wednesday morning of this week caused the loss of thousands of gallons of oils and gasoline at the Pure Oil Co. of Staples. Just how much the loss will be is not definite at this time, although it is expected that it will run near $50,000. The origin of the fire is unknown. It is thought the fire started at the time that a large transport was unloading. The fire wasn’t discovered until men near the railroad yards saw the transport truck driver stagger away from the tanks with his clothes all aflame. The men rolled the driver on the ground to put out the flame and rushed him to the hospital. The Verndale and Motley fire trucks were called and proved effective in saving nearby buildings and the Skelly Oil tanks about 50 feet away.

• Mr. and Mrs. Don Dickinson, daughter Muriel and son Donnie arrived home Sunday from a trip to North Dakota, the Badlands, Black Hills and Denver, Colorado. In Denver, Donnie had a drink of water and set the glass down in the strip of the rear bumper with the glass half full of water. When they filled with gas at Sioux City, Iowa, a filling station man called their attention to the glass, but they left it there to see how far it would ride. When they arrived in Verndale the glass was still there and also some of the water. The glass made it a great distance, over 1000 miles, and stayed with the car during their travels.

• About 12,450 Minnesota veterans who were receiving unemployment compensation under the Serviceman’s Readjustment Act which expired last Monday, July 25, have rights to comparable benefits under the state “UC” law, according to word from the office of Victor Christgau, director of the Division of Employment and Security.

40 Years Ago, August 8, 1984

• A last-minute push on Friday evening and Saturday morning put Bill Beven 263 votes ahead of his nearest contender in Verndale’s first Sorehead Contest which ended Saturday during the Strawhat and Sunbonnet Days celebration. He had garnered a total of 657 votes, either with outright purchases or through votes given to each person purchasing a t-shirt, which were fundraisers for the celebration. Beven was presented a cap and t-shirt, complements of Schultz Archery and Sport-About, and the celebration committee provided two free meals at the River Inn and a free ride through the parade atop a demolition derby car. To be assured they would have no difficulty with the law regarding this vehicle on the roadway, Wadena County Sheriff Mike Carr was commandeered to drive the heap through the parade route.

• An attempted break-in through a window at Andy’s Oil Company Saturday night was the only incident which marred the festivities of the annual Strawhat and Sunbonnet Days celebration this year. According to Police Chief Scott Miller, the attempt appeared to be unsuccessful, as a check of the premises by Larry Anderson, owner, failed to show anything missing.

• Celebration Chairman Barb Schenk pinned a ribbon on Lee Denny, parade marshal, and a corsage on his wife, Donna. Lee is a member of the Minnesota Baseball Hall of Fame and was the logical choice to lead this year’s parade with the theme being “Games People Played.”

15 Years Ago, August 6, 2009

• Some local residents and businesses cannot find a happy medium over the newly closed median on U.S. Highway 10. This closure had made things more difficult for people who want to get to local businesses that are on Thompson St. North such as Madsen’s Precision Collision, Bullseye Bar and Grill, and the Corn Burning Stove Store. It has increased commercial traffic on residential streets. Since the closure, which took place at the end of May and early June of 2009, first hand accounts have seen vehicles turn into the westbound lane of U.S. Highway 10 traveling into oncoming traffic to get to the junction of County Road 23 (Brown Street) to exit the area. According to Project Manager Paul Konickson of the Minnesota Department of Transportation, they were trying to eliminate the conflict point along the eastbound portion of Highway 10.

• The Wadena County Fair was held July 30-August 1, with many 4-H’ers showing their animals. Adults and children alike enjoyed the petting zoo and the Wild West Show. Visitors witnessed an old western style set-up in the park that looked like a campsite. Tents were pitched with historical furnishings inside for onlookers to see. People were dressed in the clothes of the old west including gorgeous dresses for the ladies and crafted suits and coats for men.

• On July 30, Ken Pentel biked into Wadena from Detroit Lakes, not only to keep his overhead down but to also promote the need to heal the planet. A small group was present at the Village Emporium to hear him speak about a new political party he is attempting to organize in Minnesota. A former gubernatorial candidate in 1998, 2002 and 2006 endorsed by the Green Party, he has decided to leave that party to develop a new political party called Ecology Democracy Network.



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