Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past
75 Years Ago, August 18, 1949
• Building improvements and new houses in Verndale the past few weeks were: new house on the north side going up for Adrian Lanceford, local Power and Light Co., manager; new residence just completed by Mrs. Ethel Bergquist on her west lots; Kopp’s Barber Shop enlarged, repainted and remodeled; Suddendorf building remodeled for Gambles Store; C.L. Davis moved house in for his new home on north side of town; Reynold’s Wayside Inn remodeled and repainted.
• The Peterson and Son department store entertained their employees at the A.B. Peterson cottage on Round Lake near Nisswa last Sunday. Present at the enjoyable gathering were: Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Peterson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Seal, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Seaton and Sandra, Miss Florence Horn, Miss Betty Grewe, Mrs. and Mrs. Delbert Rach and Larry, Mrs. Richard Eckstein, Carol, LaVay and Janet and Miss Marie Weber.
• The meeting was called to order by Robert Bergquist. The Panthers planned the beginning and the Beavers planned the close of the Boy Scouts meeting. Mr. Bluhm and Mr. Winkels were present and gave some good information about banking and troop records. It has been proposed that if the Girl Scouts, of the Sunflower Patrol, may be contacted, there will be a softball game with the Boy Scouts. It will be played Friday, August 19 at the schoolhouse.
40 Years Ago, August 22, 1984
• Farmers who would normally be enjoying a reprieve between the oats and corn harvest, are attempting to salvage something from their drought-stressed corn while they can. Jerome Schmitz, who lives a little over two miles west of Verndale, began cutting his fast-drying corn last weekend, although few ears had formed. Those feeding cattle are chopping their crop for silage. Some farmers, who need the ear corn for hog feed, are planning to sell their animals rather than attempt to purchase feed for survival.
• When the celebration committee decided to purchase another 100 T-shirts over Chairman Barb Schenk’s wishes, she said she’d eat crow if they were all sold. Well, last Thursday evening when they got together for a barbecue at the Bob Schultz home, Barb was served crow on a huge platter. After she had downed several bites, she was told that instead, it was a Cornish game hen. The evening was spent reliving events of the previous weekend, and discussing ideas of how to make changes for improving next year’s program.
• As in previous years, Verndale’s street dance drew record numbers who enjoyed and danced to the music of “Four Time Country”, featuring music from the 50s and 60s as well as country and modern. Dancers of all ages enjoyed the music including Katie and Lacey Carr of Linton, ND, daughters of Dan and Ann Carr, who were here visiting his folks, the Dale Carrs. The same band returned to entertain revelers with a concert in the park Sunday afternoon.
15 Years Ago, August 17, 2009
• If you look around while driving down the streets of Wadena, the beautiful work of over 40 artists can be seen. The work displays thousands of years of Minnesota’s history. Each mural tells a story within. They are all connected like puzzle pieces. This masterpiece was started in April of 2004, and the last of over 90 murals was hung on August 13. This is a very special project and holds meaning for many people. The last mural is of Father Hennepin blessing and naming the St. Anthony Falls before he was captured by Sieur DuLhut. This also tells a story of a part of Minnesota’s History.
• Thirty years may not seem like a long time, but when you are talking about preserving history, it can be better known as three decades and that sounds like a long time. There are approximately 150 volunteer members, mostly from central Minnesota, who belong to the England Prairie Pioneer Club. Their mission is to preserve the farming history of the local England Prairie community and surrounding area and to share that knowledge with others by passing it along to future generations.
• Denise Rouslang, Rosalie Fearing, Dave Rokes and Dick Johnson took their turn while participating at the hymn sing held in the park last Friday night, August 14.