Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past
75 Years Ago, September 1, 1949
• L. H. Morey’s auction sale of his household goods at his house in Verndale is being held today, Thursday, September 1, beginning at 1 p.m. The first National Bank of Verndale will clerk the sale.
• The Verndale Fire Department was called to the Joe Webber Sr. residence about 7:45 a.m. Tuesday morning of this week. Mrs. Webber was heating water with an oil stove when the stove exploded and started the fire. The fire department made quick work of putting out the blaze, but not until considerable damage was done to the house from smoke and water.
• Mr. and Mrs. Earl Seaton Jr. bought the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rieck last week and will take possession on or about October 15. Mr. and Mrs. Rieck have not stated definite plans for the future.
40 Years Ago, September 5, 1984
• The enrollment on Monday included ten new elementary students. The school board met in special session on Friday to resolve staffing problems and ended up hiring another full-time instructor. Last year’s elementary enrollment was 211 with six students being transported daily to Wadena. This year’s anticipated enrollment of new residents were asked to register last Monday, which brought the number to 227.
• “It was huge—so awesome!” said the Reverend Gaylen Carlson, pastor at the Verndale Assemblies of God, when retelling of bagging his first black bear—a boar—on opening day of the bear season. His hunting arrow propelled by a 70 lb. compound bow, pierced both lungs and heart. Not yet weighed, they guessed it might reach as high as 500 lbs.
• Forty-one men and women from Verndale and surrounding towns joined Verndale Country Garden Club members on a trip to Grand Rapids last week Wednesday. Their first stop was at the Forest History Center—a division of the Minnesota State Historical Society. Included in this stop was a visit to the interpretive center, and a tour of a 1930 logging camp.
15 Years Ago, September 3, 2009
• Patrick Sibert, 15, of Wadena still needs a kidney. The need for the kidney has intensified as his kidney function lessens and the probability of dialysis treatments increases. Sibert has one kidney which he received from his mother Laura Uselman when he was 16 months old. He was born with one kidney that functioned at only 20 percent. Approximately 20 of his family members have come forward to be tested to be a donor. There is a problem with a buildup of harmful antibodies in his blood and his odds of finding a compatible donor in the family are drastically reduced. There is only about a six percent chance.
• Some may wonder where all the tar went from Farwell Street when it was removed during the recent work and the laying of new tar. All that tar was placed at the corner of First Avenue South and Butler Street. According to City Engineer James Hines of Widseth, Smith and Nolting, talks are underway to find out what the project superintendent wants to do with it.
• The Verndale football team held their annual scrimmage on Saturday morning. Five teams traveled to Verndale this year including Bertha-Hewitt, Eagle Valley, Isle, Onamia and Underwood. It was a brisk clear morning for football. Many fans also turned out to get a preseason look at the teams for the upcoming season. There was no scoring in the scrimmage. Each team had the ball on offense and defense for ten plays. Coaches were able to see where they were at with their players and try different things. Other than a few minor injuries, everyone seemed satisfied with the scrimmage.