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Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past

75 Years Ago, October 6, 1949

• David Wellman, well known farmer of the Oak Grove community, was the victim of a near fatal farm accident on Tuesday morning of last week. Mr. Wellman had entered the pen to tie up his huge sire so that working men could enter to work on the interior of the barn. The bull became enraged, attacked Dave and knocked him down. The three men working at the Wellmans picked up whatever they could get their hands on and came to the rescue of Mr. Wellman. Dave was rushed to the hospital were they found both his left ribs were broken loose, front and back, and the left shoulder and collar bone were broken.

• October has more farm tractor accidents on the highways than any other month, according to the Minnesota Highway Department records. September has the next highest number of this type of incident. One reason for the high number of accidents involving tractors and other farm machinery is the extensive use in corn picking, plowing and other harvest and fall work. Also, there are shorter hours of daylight and with all the fieldwork you find more machinery traveling along a road in the dark.

• Richard Hess from Verndale, who is a first tenor in the Bemidji State Teachers College a cappella choir, will sing with the group at the NMEA convention at Thief River Falls on October 21 and 22.

40 Years Ago, October 10, 1984

• Mark Gades, incumbent; Bob Reul, a former council member; and JoAnn Perish, a newcomer on the scene; have indicated their desire to serve on Verndale’s governing board by filling for the councilman post by Monday evening. Filings close on Tuesday, October 9, after this paper has gone to press.

• A bus has been secured for transporting those wishing to attend the Miss Heartland Pageant at Longville this Saturday, October 13. Cost will be $5 per person. Those planning to join in supporting Miss Verndale Erika Schenk should either contact Maurie or Barb to reserve your space on the bus.

• Two Verndale sisters were honored by their employer. Kris and Sandy Hess, daughters of Douglas and Joan Hess of Route 3, Verndale, enjoyed a trip the last week of August as part of an award for being named “Pixy of the Month” in the company for which they are employed as traveling photographers which is Lifetouch Portrait Studios, Inc., of Reno, NV. Sandy was the winner for the month of February and Kris in March. Their award winning trip also took them to Reno, Lake Tahoe and San Fransisco where they were treated like royalty.

15 Years Ago, October 8, 2009

• Jeff Moore’s construction trades class is offered at the Verndale School for juniors and seniors who may be interested in the construction trade. For 10 years since the class has been offered, a house has been built and sold every year since its conception. Moore, who 10 years prior applied for two grants to get the project started, has been able to keep the class going with the funds from the sale of the houses.

• For the second month in a row, the city of Verndale’s Highway 10 off-sale liquor made a net profit. Earlier this year the Verndale City Council was contemplating shutting it down but erecting a new off-sale sign appears to be making a positive difference. The city’s second municipal store is located under the same roof as the privately owned Bullseye Bar and Grill, LLC on Highway 10.

• This year’s royal court included: Crown Bearer Tianna Saltzman, Queen Brittany Kern, King Trevor Enberg, Crown Bearer Tanner Price, Freshman Attendant Sahlyn Carlson, Sophomore Attendant Meghan Sly, Junior Attendant Chaitra Collison, Queen Candidates Heather Hejhal, Trista Finck and Crystal Haskin, Emcees Jamie Kern and Caleb Burczyk, Freshman Attendant Dallas Ehrmantraut, Sophomore Attendant Kraig Kenyon, Junior Attendant Zach Meidinger, King Candidates Amos Schmidt, Colby Schmidt and Clay Cottrell.



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