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Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past

75 Years Ago, October 27, 1949

• Plans are completed for a big Halloween party at the school auditorium next Monday evening. The party is sponsored by the commercial club, public school and the fire department. The children in costumes will meet at the village hall at 7:30 p.m. for the parade to the auditorium led by the fire chief, Mayor Lester G. Marquardt. The Girl Scouts and the Senior School Band will also take part in the parade led by the Verndale Fire Department.

• The River Inn at Aldrich, which is now owned and operated by Frank Koplin and Maurice Lynch, is undergoing major improvements. They are building on a 24x60 foot addition on the south side of the present building. The new part will house the bar room and kitchen which will allow the older part more room for dance hall space.

• The Pinne Lakes Feed Store was broke into some time Saturday night or Sunday morning and robbed. Arvid Nelson, owner, reported that three cases of No. 1 eggs were stolen.

40 Years Ago, October 31, 1984

• Approximately 30 people responded to the call to take part in the Christmas Extravaganza when the committee met last week Monday in the Methodist Church basement. It is estimated that 100 will be needed, including stagehands, lighting and sound supervision, as well as performers and seamstresses. The next meeting will be Monday, November 5, also in the church basement. Many who have previously signed up, have been cast and will be notified.

• Because there has been interest shown in organizing a majorette group, Debra Erickson has consented to train girls from grades 3-7 who are interested. Notes have been sent home with girls in those grades, and should be returned to the classroom teacher by November 1. Part of the reason for organizing at this time is to have a squad ready to take part in activities during next summer’s celebration which will be honoring Verndale High School’s band which will be observing its 50th anniversary.

• During play practice, Jim Blaha, one of the cast members in the senior class production of William Gleason’s comedy, Trudy’s Two Faces, is pictured sitting between two girls, Jen Erkenbrack and Erika Schenk, who portray the two sides of Trudy. Val Luebke and Jeff Bergquist, who play the parts of Trudy’s parents, were shown discussing their daughter. The seniors will be presenting their play on Friday, November 2. Admission is $1.50 and 75¢.

15 Years Ago, October 29, 2009

• The Pirate’s Den has been idle for a while, but now has pulled into dry dock for repairs and will now be called “The Anchor.” According to Christian Missionary Alliance Church Youth Pastor Josh Hauge, “It took four years of prayer, but my request was answered by God.” That request was for a new youth center in Verndale.

• Congratulations to Liane Lawson of Texas! She was the winner of the “Guess the Weight of the Pumpkin” contest sponsored by the Verndale Scholarship Committee. Her guess of 239 pounds was the closest to the pumpkin’s weight of 240 pounds. Lawson was in the Verndale area visiting family and attended the Verndale Pirates home football game. She received a $20 cash prize.

• The Verndale Pirates football team closed out their regular season with a 40-14 win over the Chokio-Alberta Herman-Norcross Spartans last Tuesday. The win gave the 2009 Pirates a perfect 8-0 regular season. Leading the Pirates once again was senior Amos Schmidt, who rushed for 234 yards on 29 carries. He also scored four touchdowns. Matt Willis turned in another solid performance with 50 guards on just nine carries, and the passing game was evident as Colby Schmidt was 5-6 for 47 yards.


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