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Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past

75 Years Ago, November 24, 1949

• Farmers who ordered 0-20-0 super-phosphate from the Pine Lakes Feed and Produce Store at Verndale will be receiving their fertilizer within a few days. One car has been ordered and will be on track in the near future. Farmers must be prepared to take it direct from the train car to save extra handling and storage charges. The farmer will be notified by the county office when the car arrives and they are to pay the vendor $22.10 per ton.

• Last Thursday evening, the Verndale High School “A” squad took a twenty point drubbing from Crosby, who took the lead from the start and never lost it. They also had a unique way of shooting underhanded which would bring a penalty against their opponents. Bob Doll, Verndale forward and guard, showed up in this game. He made two nice long shots and three out of three free throws.

• Father Van Zutphen has been named Verndale chairman of the CROP program for foreign relief that is now in progress throughout the country and nation. For further information we advise you to contact him directly.

40 Years Ago, November 28, 1984

• The death of a Verndale teacher, Linda Johnson Ferguson, as she shopped in Brainerd on Friday, stunned this community and that of Staples which had been her home until three weeks ago when she moved to Wadena. Ms. Ferguson was a high school learning disabilities teacher. Ferguson, 45, known for her work with parents and children in area schools and churches, died as a result of injuries suffered when she was struck by a car at the intersection of Laurel and South Sixth Street at 2:30 p.m. as she was walking.

• Legion Auxiliary Members Beth Yule and Judy Bounds visited school during American Education Week and presented each of the teachers an apple, topped with a miniature American Flag. Beth is pictured handing Dean Krogstad his treat.

• While musical groups practiced their notes at the Verndale Christian Missionary Alliance Church, those participating in the dance for the Christmas Extravaganza practiced in the Verndale Fire Hall meeting room last Sunday afternoon. They are Sean Buckreis, Pauline Colby, Lori Moyer, Jason Neuerburg, Barb Schwartz, Jamie Henderson and Erika Schenk, who choreographed this portion of the routine.

15 Years Ago, November 26, 2009

• As he staggered across the finish line after a 15-mile endurance march with vest, rifle and nearly 60-pound backpack, a native of Verndale felt the feeling of sheer relief. Bone-weary and exhausted he just finished the Army’s grueling 96-hour, 12-event Warfighter Challenge—an event designed to test the abilities of the best soldiers from the military police corps. Army Spec. Cody L. Bowman, a 2001 graduate of Verndale Public School, helped make up a three-man team and competed among 34 teams in the 13th annual MP competition.

• Local resident Jeremy Umland is getting ready to open The Body Shop, which will be located at the old Verndale Video Store around the first of the year. He took a massage therapy course offered at Wadena Technical School after graduation. Umland participated in many athletics, which helps him to see what the benefits of massage therapy can do to help athletes. In this location he will offer relaxation massage, sports massage, hot stone therapy, aroma therapy and general rehabilitation therapy.

•Winners of the Voice of Democracy audio essay were honored at the VFW in Wadena during their annual Veterans Day program. First place honors went to Meghan Sly, second place was Arianna Sandberg and third place was Kristen Pruitt. Each year the students have a theme in which to write about. This year’s question was “Are there still any American Heroes?”



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