Dusting off the Archives
News from Verndale's Past
75 Years Ago, January 5, 1949
• The State Employment Service recruited 19,868 emergency corn pickers last fall, Governor Youngdahl was told last week by Victor Christgau, Director of the Division of Employment and Security. In the wake of the October 10 storm, the employment service cooperated with the Agricultural Extension Service in mitigating damage to cornfields.
• Raymond Ferley, Verndale, recently acquired a registered Holstein-Friesian bull from the herd of Harold Pleidrup, Verndale. Change of ownership for this animal, Anedaw Blackie Perfection, has been officially recorded by the Holstein-Friesian Association of America. The association issued 13,562 registry and transfer certificates to Minnesota breeders during 1948.
• In spite of a rumor that has been sweeping Wadena for the past several days, there is no “huge building” planned by Munsingwear, Inc., of Minneapolis. Bruce Wilcox received a call from an official from the firm asking to help “sign up” men interested in working for a contractor who was going to build the new plant somewhere between Wadena and Bluffton. The stranger was to come on December 20 to pick up the list of signatures, but has not shown up. The newspaper called Clarence Tolg, vice president for Munsingwear, and told him of the rumor. “There is nothing to it at all,” said Tolg.
40 Years Ago, January 2, 1984
• The rates for on-sale liquor insurance have increased eight times, Lee Tarrell, insurance agent, told the Verndale City Council in an emergency session called on Friday night. Tarrell informed the council the Gibraltor firm which has carried the local coverage is getting out of the business of insuring liquor stores. Tarrell contacted the League of Minnesota Cities and learned of two market places through this research. One wouldn’t give a quote due to a previous claim. The other would only consider covering the Verndale store if it also carried the coverage on the building ($40,000) and contents ($20,000). The additional liability coverage would be for $300,000 and the premium would go up.
• Joann Perish, wife of Joseph Perish of Verndale, has just completed the Accounting I program at the Wadena Area Vocational Technical Institute.
• The Verndale Boosters will once again pick up your Christmas trees to provide shelter from the elements for birds. Trees will be picked up beginning 10 a.m. Saturday, January 6. They ask that your trees be on the curb by that time.
15 Years Ago, December 31, 2009
• We can all admit it, the holidays do take a toll on us. There’s shopping and deciding what to get for everyone on our lists. But if you want to take your mind off things and enjoy a new sort of holiday light display then Greg “GP” Anderson of Wadena may have a solution for you. Anderson will admit, he does some of this for himself because he loves the season and enjoys proving he can do this. Drive by and check it out.
• Verndale Artist Madeline Ramirez is currently exhibiting her artwork in the courtyard at Tri-County Hospital in Wadena as part of the hospital’s Healing Arts program. Ramirez has had a passion for painting for as long as she can remember. She began painting on canvas when she was 14.
• This year’s Lions Youth Outreach poster winners were: first place, Ethan Orlando; second place, Jordyn Glenz; and third place, Kathryn Barrett. Lions Member John Desrocher awarded the sixth grade winners of the poster contest with cash prizes.