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Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past

75 Years Ago, February 23, 1950

• Matt Nelson of the Busy Beavers 4-H Club was named the county champion in the radio speaking contest conducted by KWAD on Monday on RFD 920. He will represent Wadena County in the district contest at 3 p.m. on Friday, February 24 at KWAD. Matt has had five years of 4-H club work. This is his first year in club work in Wadena County as he came from Goldfield, Iowa where he had four previous year of club work.

• J.B. Conley was re-elected president of the Minnesota Wool Growers Association at the annual meeting held in Fergus Falls last week. Mr. Conley was not present at the meeting and had declined to accept the position again, but was elected anyway. Mr. Conley reported the association is in excellent condition, having handled over seventy percent of all wool in Minnesota last year, receiving wool from over 7000 shippers.

• The new Verndale School bus, which makes five running for the Verndale School, starts serving its route on Thursday of this week with John Callahan as the driver. Bus drivers notified the students on Tuesday of this week as to any changes in the bus routes.

40 Years Ago, February 20, 1985

• Get that old horn out of the attic and start practicing your scales! In honor of the 50th anniversary of the founding of a high school band at Verndale—past band members are encouraged to attend a special meeting for the organization of an alumni band on Saturday, March 23. A performance of the total group has been set up for Verndale’s Strawhat and Sunbonnet Days parade and a Sunday concert.

• Principal James Madsen agreed to the school board request that he assume acting superintendent duties in the absence of Superintendent James Shereck at the regular monthly meeting held February 11. Shereck, who recently submitted his resignation at a special meeting January 31, effective June 31, asked that time be allowed for vacation and sick time amounting to 85 of the remaining 102 days at the time of his resignation.

• Two veteran firemen were honored on Saturday night when the firemen held their annual banquet at the River Inn. Since the new code for firemen’s attire required local firemen to receive new helmets, their old ones will be given to the firefighters as they retire as one way of disposing of them, Chief Duane Davis said as he presented the awards. Bill Jacobson is retiring after 20 years on the force, and Bob Schultz, 15 years of service, is retiring for medical reasons.

15 Years Ago, February 20, 2010

• Since the creation of the international youth scouting movement some 100 years ago, which was celebrated on February 8, hundreds of millions of children have benefited from opportunities for adventure, skill building, leadership, personal development and community service provided by scouting organizations. Assistant cub master is Chris Youngbauer who was a Webelo himself and has been involved for a little over a year in his current position. He became the Tiger Cub den leader of Verndale’s Troop 326 in September 2008.

• The Verndale Fire Department handed out awards to some of their members. Pictured is Robert Anderson, who retired last year from the fire department. He held many positions as a member, including fire chief and first assistant captain. Anderson was very active in his time on the fire department from September 13, 1976-September 15, 2009. Also pictured: Support Person-Mindy Rousslang, Goof Award-John Rousslang and Fireman of the Year-Troy Wangsness.

• Gary Rosenthal is now the interim manager at the Highway 10 Off Sale municipal liquor store at the Bullseye Bar and Grill, LLC, in Verndale. Already working as an employee of the municipal off sale, Rosenthal expressed interested in the job during a special meeting of the Verndale City Council on February 17. Rosenthal accepted the appointment by the council at a wage rate of $8.50 an hour. Louie Randall was visibly agitated by the prospect of keeping the store, which has a financial deficit of about $166,000 as of the beginning of this year.


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