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Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past

75 Years Ago, January 24, 1946

•Reverend A. Frinke, pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church, Verndale, has been appointed to the Advisory Committee for planning a statewide “Dr. Martin Luther Memorial Service” to be held in the Twin Cities on Sunday, February 17, it was announced this week by Martin H. Imm, president of the Lutheran Business and Professional Group of the Twin Cities, sponsors of the service.

• T5 Melvin H. Smith arrived at his home in Wadena on Monday morning from Okinawa, Japan. He has been in the service for 15 months, eight months being spent overseas. He has received his honorable discharge. Smith is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Smith of north of Aldrich.

•Sergeant Leo Bautch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bautch, arrived home last week with an honorable discharge from the U.S. Army. We are unable to learn at this time just how long Leo has been in the service, but we do know that he has served both in the European Theater and the South Pacific. His last assignment was in the Pacific area.

40 Years Ago, January 22, 1981

•The new city well is in production. Mayor Louise Otremba is shown in this photo flicking the switch, setting the equipment into motion, earlier this week at the new pump site. Looking on are Councilman Bob Reul and City Maintenance Engineer Cliff Horn.

•After 440 days of captivity, America’s embassy hostages have been released. On Tuesday, Erma Baker, and many others who have tied yellow ribbons around their trees in a protest gesture, cut them down when the announcement of the release was broadcasted. Because three other Americans still remain in Iran as prisoners, Erma only cut down one of her two ribbons.

•A nip and tuck game at Deer Creek on Monday evening saw the Verndale girls with another victory. The Pirates thrust forward early in the first quarter to take control of the Wild Cats. At halftime, the Pirates led narrowly by one basket.

15 Years Ago, January 26, 2006

•The January Family Fun Night was held at the school on January 10 and featured a program from the aquarium at the Mall of America. Audience members were invited on stage to look at and touch exhibits.

• A birthday party was held at the Senior Citizen’s Center on January 19. Honored guests were Pearl Moyer and Florence Bounds. Pearl celebrated her 96th birthday and Florence her 97th. Pictured were Pearl Moyer, Betty Reul, Florence Bounds, Donna Denny, Madonna Desrocher, Gladys Sanvik, Janet Anderson, Marvin Tuinstra, Honny Tuinstra, and Herman Chilberg.

•The Wadena Elks Lodge hosted their annual Hoop Shoot Contest. Verndale students did well, placing in the top six in the six categories. Christine Moenkedick—sixth place (12-13 girls); Theresa Moenkedic—third place (10-11 girls); Isaac Schmitz—second place (12-13 boys); Dillon Card—third place (8-9 boys); Christina Wright—fourth place (8-9 girls) and Blake Gades—fifth place (10-11 boys).


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