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Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past

75 Years Ago, April 18, 1946

• With filings for state and county offices closing on Monday of this week, candidates for the Wadena County Sheriff’s office now total ten. They are: G.E. (Gus) Tullgren, M.J. (Mike) Mueller; Frank (Hank) Schmitz, W.J. (Bill) Boyd, Earl Gessner, Leo Bartlet, James M. Warwick,and A.O. Lee, all of Wadena; Arve Tappe of Sebeka, and Newman Ireland of Aldrich Township.

• The Wadena County Women’s Republican Club held a meeting at the Peterson-Biddik parlors in Wadena on April 11. The meeting was opened by Mrs. Boyd Conley of Verndale, acting chairman, who was elected chairman.

• Approval of an allotment of funds totaling $285,000 to the Todd-Wadena Power and Light Cooperative Association has recently been announced by Claude R. Wickard, administrator. Wickard stated that this allotment is being made for the construction of 253 miles of electric distribution lines to serve approximately 600 new members of the cooperative. In addition, funds are allowed for the connection of new members along the cooperative’s existing lines.

40 Years Ago, April 16, 1981

• Lyndon McClure, manager of Central Minnesota Feeders Co-op., Inc., in Verndale, was severely injured in an explosion that occurred mid-afternoon on Friday. He was using an empty diesel oil barrel as a stand while welding two pieces of steel. Sheriff’s department officials investigating the accident surmised that the welding process pierced the lid of the barrel, the penetrating sparking causing fumes inside the barrel to explode. McClure was thrown against the wall of the fertilizer storage building and received severe head injuries to his eye, a skull fracture and body contusions. He was taken to St. Luke’s Hospital in Fargo. Doctors reported that his recovery thus far has been remarkable.

• Two high school juniors were selected as winners of an all-expense paid trip to Washington D.C. in June at a dinner meeting on Monday evening, April 6, sponsored by Todd Wadena Electric Cooperative. The cooperative sponsored the contest in all high schools within their service area with 140 youth participating. Winners from each school were announced at the dinner meeting. Cynthia Bogatzki, daughter of Ervin Bogatzki’s of Bertha, and Laura Carlson, daughter of the Ken Carlson’s of Verndale, were chosen.

• Earl Seaton, Jr., of LaCrescent, MN, has been named 1981 Minnesota State High School Athletic Director of the Year. A native of Verndale, Earl has been active in Minnesota athletics for 25 years, both as a coach and athletic director. Seaton is the ninth recipient of the award and was honored at a recognition awards dinner on Sunday, April 5, at the Radisson South in Bloomington.

15 Years Ago, April 20, 2006

• The American Legion donated a flag and flag pole to the Verndale Baseball Association. Legion Members Dick Minnette, Elmer Wiese and Florian Schmidt proudly raised the flag during the National Anthem. This dedication took place during the first home baseball game on April 10.

• The Bertha-Hewitt Verndale Girls Track Team is off and running. The Raiders have started the season with 18 athletes. They look to build around the veteran runners and with a nice group of junior high runners, the Raiders could put together a very respectable team. The Raiders will be led by junior runners Molly Moenkedick and Kayla Finck. Katie Sero is another returning letter winner from last season along with Alida Moenkedick, eighth grade.

• Congratulations to elementary wrestlers Dillan Card (5th place) and Jake Braaten (3rd place) on their placement at the recent tournament. The team lost two meets to Lakeview and St. Peter.


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